Thursday, December 28, 2023

342-343. Two Early Readers (Last Reviews of the Year)

342. Frog Can Hop (Ready to Read, Ready to Go) Laura Gehl. Illustrated by Fred Blunt. 2023. [December] 32 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Frog can hop. Pig can flop. Frog can mop. Pig can flop. Frog can shop. Pig can flop.

Premise/plot: Frog and Pig are friends....mostly. However, Frog does tend to carry the load while Pig, well, Pig mainly just flops, and flops, and flops. But when Frog drops....well, Pig may just have the opportunity to do more than flop.

My thoughts: This is an early reader for those just beginning to learn to read. The illustrations do some of the heavy lifting in terms of storytelling. The plot moves forward mainly because the illustrations clearly convey the action and characters. The simple text is focusing on the '-op' family. (Bop, chop, drop, flop, hop, mop, plop, pop, shop, stop) It also includes two basic sight words: "and" and "can." 

I do think this one has a plot. It is more than just practicing sounding out op words. I enjoyed the humor.

343. Monkey Cam (Critter Cam) Margie Palatini. Illustrated by Dan Yaccarino. 2023. [December] 32 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Yawn.

Premise/plot: This year there have been a whole line of books in the Critter Cam series. This one stars a monkey wearing a camera in an helmet. The plot is super simple. Readers observe the world from two perspective--third person perspective and first person perspective. Monkey is having quite a day.

My thoughts: I liked this one okay. Not my favorite in the series. Not my least favorite in the series. It does feature "monkey speak" which some may enjoy. I certainly enjoyed monkey chatter as a kid.



© 2023 Becky Laney of Young Readers

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

341. Sabrina Sue Loves the Moon

Sabrina Sue Loves the Moon. Priscilla Burris. 2023. [December] 32 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Sabrina Sue lived on a farm. One night she saw the moon and the stars. I want to go to the moon, she thought. She thought about the moon in the daytime. She dreamed about the moon at night. She sang about it. 

Premise/plot: Sabrina Sue is a fantastic chicken who stars in her own series of books for young readers. This book is part of a larger series. Sabrina Sue has always been a dreamer--a big dreamer though small in size, and obviously a chicken at that. In this one she dreams of going to the moon....

My thoughts: I've greatly enjoyed Sabrina Sue in the past. I didn't quite love this newest adventure. Some of her dreams seem lofty and difficult, but a chicken going to the moon is a bit too over-the-top for my overthinking brain! Sometimes I have to be in the right mood to enjoy. Definitely some books you have to suspend your disbelief to fully embrace and enjoy. 

I do recommend the series. 


© 2023 Becky Laney of Young Readers

340. The 13-Story Treehouse

The 13-Story Treehouse: Monkey Mayhem! Andy Griffiths. Illustrated by Terry Denton. 2011. 256 pages. [Source: Bought]

First sentence: Hi, my name is Andy. This is my friend Terry. We live in a tree.

Premise/plot: Andy and Terry live in a treehouse--a LARGE treehouse at that. They write books together. They are past due for their current book, oh no! And they are having trouble concentrating on their work, their project. They keep getting distracted by MANY things (many monkey related, though somehow sea monsters also make an appearance). Will they ever finish their book? And if they do finish their book will children like you read it?

My thoughts: Very meta. I think this one may have kid appeal. I am NOT the target audience. The humor, in my opinion, is very age-specific. There's a target age group--or humor/maturity phase--that this one was written for directly. Granted humor is always subjective. It is the first in a series. 


© 2023 Becky Laney of Young Readers

Friday, December 22, 2023

339. Hanukkah Upside Down

Hanukkah Upside Down. Elissa Brent Weissman. Illustrated by Omer Hoffmann. 2023. [September] 40 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Noah lived in New York. His cousin Nora lived in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Premise/plot: Noah and Nora are cousins who live on opposite sides of the world, but the two (and their families) share the same faith. This new picture book follows both Noah and Nora (and their correspondence) as they celebrate Hanukkah. 

My thoughts: I enjoyed this one. I liked seeing how Hanukkah is celebrated in summer AND winter. There are many things that are the same--traditional, culturally familiar--and things that are different. 

This book offers a unique offering of a Hanukkah themed picture book.


© 2023 Becky Laney of Young Readers

Sunday, December 17, 2023

331-338. Another Board Book Stack

331. This Little Piggy (Let's Count to 10) Jarvis. 2019. 22 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: One little piggy went to market. Two little piggies had a car but couldn't park it. Three little piggies learned how to knit. Four little piggies did their best to keep fit. Five little piggies played the bongos.

Premise/plot: A counting concept board book for little ones starring pigs. The text gets sillier and sillier with every turn of the page. 

My thoughts: I really LOVED this one. I thought it was silly and funny. I really loved the rhyme that went with the number nine. 

Not all counting books are funny. All may help teach little ones to count to ten. But not all are packed with piggy humor.

332. Picken. Mary Murphy. 2019. 12 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: Mix and match the farm animals. 

Premise/plot: This is an interactive board book for parents to share with little ones. It has a unique format. One can open up the pages simultaneously and have all the animals be matched perfectly. OR one can mix and match all the farm animals. One can choose to be "proper" or "whimsical."

My thoughts: Will this one be appealing to every parent? Maybe. Maybe not. Same with little ones, of course. One can't really predict how other little ones will react--what they will find amusing. This one has the potential for some laughs. But no guarantees. I can imagine a scenario where parents and young readers can have a lot of fun. For example, what noise do you think a picken (cross between a chicken and a pig) would make?

333. We Love the Farm (Two Books in One) Rachael Saunders. 2019. 12 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence from big book: Who says MOO, MOO?
First sentence from little book: cow

Premise/plot: This board book has a unique format to it. "Two" books in one. The two books obviously go together. The big book asks a question, the little one supplies the answer. There are vocabulary words sprinkled on all the pages. Plenty to point out to your little one. 

My thoughts: This one is cute. It is fun to flip through the little book. I won't lie. One could even add a little humor to story time--if you so desire. One could flip to the wrong answer. And you could be "corrected" by your little one. Does a chicken go moo? NO! This one definitely has potential.

334. We Love Animals (Two Books In One) Lo Cole. 2019. 12 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence of the big book? Who lives on the plains?
First sentence of the little book? lion

Premise/plot: This board book has a unique format to it. "Two" books in one. The two books obviously go together. The big book asks a question, the little one supplies an answer. Each spread shows other animals that also live in the region/type of region. There is more than one right answer. But the little book reveals an animal not on the other spread.

My thoughts: I enjoyed this one. I liked it. I thought it was cute. Definitely potential for parents and little ones to interact with each other. It is fun to turn the pages of the little book. One could definitely read this book straightforward. Or one could add a little to it. For example? "Who lives in the sea? Does a camel live in the sea? No. Does an owl live in the sea? No. Does a dolphin live in the sea? YES!"

This one would pair well with Baby Einstein's Baby Noah. Just saying.

335. I Thought I Saw an Elephant. Lydia Nichols. 10 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: I thought I saw an elephant? Is it behind the ice cream shop?
I thought I saw an elephant? Is it in the pond?

Premise/plot: A child "sees" an elephant EVERYWHERE, but can you find the elephant too?

My thoughts: I wanted to absolutely love, love, love this one. I love elephants. I like interactive books with sliders. I do like this one. I do. I just don't love it. I thought perhaps it would go in a different direction. But if your little one is up for a game of hide and seek -- or slide and seek -- with an elephant, there's one to be found on every page.

336. I Thought I Saw A Bear. Lydia Nichols. 10 Pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: I thought I saw a bear. Is it in the car? I thought I saw a bear? Is it on the boat?

Premise/plot: A child "sees" a bear everywhere. 

My thoughts: I am SO conflicted. On the one hand, the illustrations are so adorable and fun. The sliders are super cute, fun to manipulate, silly. On the other hand, there is no fun in the seeking when they aren't hidden in the first place. I overthink things. It's what I do. The bear couldn't be more obvious either way the slider is slid. There's no question or doubt...and while it's fun to play with the slides...not sure this one has a point.

337. Colors with Little Fish. Lucy Cousins. 2019. 24 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: I am Little Fish, swimming in the sea. I love spotting colors. Can you spot with me?

Premise/plot: This concept book--concept being colors--stars Little Fish. Little Fish has his own series of books. (Random thought: did he ever got his own television show like Maisy? And if not, why not?)

My thoughts: I like Little Fish. It's been a long while since I've read and reviewed any books starring Little Fish. And to be honest, I haven't been reviewing many Maisy books lately either. This one is nice. It would work as an introduction to the much longer series. Or it would be good if your little one already loves Little Fish.

338. Our Little Love Bug. Sandra Magsamen. 2007/2018. 10 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: Your smile is so sweet, it makes our days. You brighten our world in so many ways. You fill our lives with lots of love.

Premise/plot: This board book for the very young features felt on every spread. The message is syrupy sweet. That could be a VERY good thing--depending on your mood. The text is super simple, predictably sweet. The illustrations are bright....and there's felt.

My thoughts: I'm conflicted between thinking this would be great for the youngest of the young because of the simplicity of the book and it's super-sweet (though not terribly exciting narrative). In some ways, this one screams out bedtime book. But then there's the felt. Is it meant to be interactive? Is it meant for an audience that is old enough to be manipulating it, experiencing the different tactiles?

© 2023 Becky Laney of Young Readers

Saturday, December 16, 2023

327-330. Stack of Board Books

327. Let's Go, Construction Trucks (Spin Me). Scholastic. 2019. 12 pages. [Source: Review copy] [Board books]

First sentence: I move dirt from place to place. I can clear out any space! I am a dump truck. Make my wheels spin. Let construction begin! 
My round roller has no grooves. I make sure the roads are smooth! I am a steamroller. Make my wheels spin. Let construction begin!

Premise/plot: A [mostly] rhyming construction-themed book for young(er) readers. This one has the repetitive refrain: Make my wheels spin. Let construction begin! 

My thoughts: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the interactive element in this one. Will every young child? Maybe. Maybe not. But if your little one does happen to think it is the greatest thing ever, then the catchy narrative is a bonus. 

I found the interactive element mesmerizing (in a good way, I think). Definitely recommended.

ETA: A few reviewers have pointed out that one truck is mislabeled/misidentified in the story. 

328.  101 Trucks: And Other Mighty Things That Go. April Jones Prince. Illustrated by Bob Kolar. 2019. 14 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: Every day, trucks work hard to make our lives faster, easier, and safer!

Premise/plot: This one works for a slightly older audience. It has a main narrative, but it also labels a hundred plus trucks and, in a way, organizes information for young readers. 

My thoughts: This is one of those books that grow with your little one. It does have a main narrative. If time is tight or your little one has a smaller attention span, then one can stick to the main text. If you have more time, or if your little one is CURIOUS and full of questions, one can interact with the smaller pictures and text. One could certainly interact with the text. Parents asking questions for little ones and vice versa. For example, "can you find the truck with the hotdog on it?" or "do you think it would be fun to ride a tram?" The illustrations are definitely on the busier side.

329. Vehicles ABC. Jannie Ho. 2018. 28 pages. [Source: Review copy] 

First sentence: Aa ambulance
Bb bulldozer
Cc carriage
Dd digger
Ee electric car
Ff fire engine
Gg galleon

Premise/plot: A vehicle/transportation themed alphabet concept books for little ones. The illustrations may not be super-realistic, but overall it's not bad.

My thoughts: I like this one. As with all alphabet books there are some odd choices that are made with harder letters, but what are you going to do? That's the nature of alphabet books. 

330. The Goodnight Train Rolls On. June Sobel. Illustrated by Laura Huliska-Beith. 2018/2019. 28 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: Stars are twinkling. Moon shines bright. The Goodnight Train chugs through the night. Dream dust lands on sleepy heads. The porter smiles and fluffs the beds.

Premise/plot: This one is a sequel or companion book. There are multiple books in the Goodnight Train series.

My thoughts: It has been a while since I read The Goodnight Train (original) and Santa and the Goodnight Train (a sequel). I rated both books three stars. 

For little ones that love, love, love the previous books in the series, this one might prove quite the treat. I know that trains can be fascinating for young ones and that some never really outgrow their love of trains. (Others do.) This one is written in rhyme. 

The text is silly, but the illustrations are even sillier perhaps.

© 2023 Becky Laney of Young Readers

Thursday, December 14, 2023

325-326. Two Early Readers

325. Best Buddies: A Pie for Us (An Acorn Book) Vicky Fang. Illustrated by Luisa Leal. 2023. [October 17] 48 pages. [Source: Library] [Early reader; early graphic novel]

First sentence: This is Sniff. Hello. Woof! This is Scratch. Nice to meet you! Meow! They are best buddies. Well, sometimes.

Premise/plot: There are three stories in this early reader. There are color coded speech bubbles. Young readers will always be able to know who is speaking. 

The three stories are "The Pie," "The Box," and "The Thing."  In the first story, these two decide to team up to out-best their human(s). Can working together help them in reaching the goal--getting the PIE. In the second story, "The Box," Scratch LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the box. Sniff is less certain of the box, or the appeal of the box. But how does the box really feel about Scratch??? In the third story, Scratch and Sniff discover a new "thing." It is a mirror. How will these two respond to their mirror-second-selves????

My thoughts: This one was a DELIGHT. I absolutely loved it. It is definitely an early reader. Simple and basic in many ways. Yet there is humor in the stories. I think the book and series will prove appealing to those just learning to read. Definitely recommend for classroom purchase in addition to school and public libraries.


326. Best Buddies: Save the Duck (An Acorn Book) Vicky Fang. Illustrated by Luisa Leal. [December 2023] 48 pages. [Source: Library] [Early reader; early graphic novel]

First sentence: This is Sniff. Hi. Woof! This is Scratch. Hello! Meow! They are best buddies. Well, sometimes.

Premise/plot: There are three stories in this early reader.  There are color coded speech bubbles. Young readers will always be able to know who is speaking. 

The three stories are "The Roll," "The Tail," and "The Toy." In the first story, Scratch and Sniff get into trouble with their human(s) when they play with the toilet paper! In the second story, Scratch and Sniff enjoy chasing each other's tails. In the third story, these two argue over a toy duck....

My thoughts: I enjoyed both books. This is the second book in the series. There will be a third book coming in another month or two. All should be 2024 Cybils eligible. I absolutely LOVED this one. I thought the story about the toilet paper was hilarious. All six stories I've read so far (three in each book) have been great fun. Definitely recommended to parents, teachers, and librarians.

© 2023 Becky Laney of Young Readers

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Books Read in 2024

Books read and reviewed at Young Readers


1. Happy Cats. Catherine Amari and Anouk Han. Illustrated by Emi Lenox. 2021. 32 pages. [Source: Review copy]

2. Pizza and Taco: Wrestling Mania (Pizza and Taco #7) 2024. [January] 72 pages. [Source: Library] [graphic novel; early reader/chapter book]

3. Homegrown. Deann Wiley. 2024. [January] 40 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book]

4. Ploof. Ben Clanton and Andy Chou Musser. 2023. [September] 51 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book, not quite board book] 

5. 100 Chapatis. Derek Mascarenhas. Illustrated by Shantala Robinson. 2023. [October 17] 32 pages. [Source: Library]

6. The Knight Snacker. Valeria Wicker. 2023. 40 pages. [Source: Library] 

7. Flat Cat. Tara Lazar. Illustrated by Pete Oswald. 2023. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [Picture book] 

8. Hornbeam All In. Cynthia Rylant. Illustrated by Arthur Howard. 2023. [December] 48 pages. [Source: Library] [early chapter books; animal fantasy] 

9. Kitty Feral and the Case of the Marshmallow Monkey. Eddie Muller and Jessica Schmidt. Illustrated by Forrest Burdett. 2023. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book; mystery] 

10. Mine! A Story of Not Sharing. Klara Persson. Translated by Nichola Smalley. Illustrated by Charlotte Ramel. 2023. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [Picture book]

11. I Am Stuck. Julia Mills. 2023. 48 pages. [Source: Library] [Picture book] 


My Dog and I. Luca Tortolini. Illustrated by Felicita Sala. 2023. [November] 48 pages. [Source: Library] [Picture book, Humor, Pets, Animals] 

13. [Board book] Teeny Tiny Turkey. Rachel Matson. Illustrated by Joey Chou. 2023. 16 pages. [Source: Library]

14. [Board book] If Mama Sings. Laura Wittner. Illustrated by Maricel R. Clark. 2023. 16 pages. [Source: Library]

15. [Board Book] The Bedtime Book. Katy Hedley. Illustrated by Paola Camma. 2023. [October 17, cybils eligible] 20 pages. [Source: Library]

16. [Board book] Lion, Lion Peekaboo. Grace Habib. 2023. 8 pages. [Source: Library]

17. [Board book] Baby On Board Train With Tabs to Push and Pull. Sebastien Braun. 2023. 8 pages. [Source: Library]

18. [Board book] You're the Apple of My Pie. Rose Rossner. Illustrated by Jill Howarth. 2023. 24 pages. [Source: Library]

19. [Board book] Winter with Hedgehog. Elena Ulyeva. Illustrated by Daria Parkhaeva. 2023. 20 pages. [Source: Library] 

20. [Board book] Bundle up, Little Pup. Dori Elys. Illustrated by Elena Comte. 2023. 20 pages. [Source: Library] 

21. The Fabulous Fannie Farmer: Kitchen Scientist and America's Cook. Emma Bland Smith. Illustrated by Susan Reagan. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library]

22. Board book: Apple vs. Pumpkin. Jeffrey Burton. Illustrated by Lydia Jean. 2023. 22 pages. [Source: Library]

23. Board book: Some Cats. Illustrated by Lydia Nichols. 2023. 12 pages. [Source: Library] 

24. Kitty and Cat: Bent Out of Shape. Mirka Hokkanen. 2023. [November] 40 pages. [Source: Library] 


25. Cranky. Phuc Tran. Illustrated by Pete Oswald. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

26. My Thoughts Have Wings. Maggie Smith. Illustrated by Leanne Hatch. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

27. Today is For You! Sally Lloyd-Jones. Illustrated by Kevin Waldron. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Library]

28. Barnacle is Bored. Jonathan Fenske. 2016. Scholastic. 40 pages. [Source: Review copy] 

29. You Are Not a Cat. Sharon G. Flake. 2016/2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library]

30. You Make Me Sneeze! Sharon G. Flake. Illustrated by Anna Raff. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Library] 

31. Tucker's Nose Knows: An Allergen Detection Dog Graphic Novel. Mari Bolte. Illustrated by Diego Vaisberg. 2023. 29 pages. [Source: Library]

32. Daphne Shows Support: An Emotional Support Dog Graphic Novel. Mari Bolte. Illustrated by Alan Brown. 2023. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

33. Rossi Guides the Way: A Guide Dog Graphic Novel. Mari Bolte. Illustrated by Alan Brown. 2023. 32 pages. [Source: Library] 

34. Buffalo Fluffalo. Bess Kalb. Illustrated by Erub Kraan. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library]

35. Hot Cat, Cool Cat. Laura Manaresi. Illustrated by Roberta Angaramo. 2023. [November] 32 pages. [Source: Library]

36. Why Do Elephants Have Big Ears? Questions -- And Surprising Answers -- About Animals. Steve Jenkins and Robin Page. 2023. [November] 40 pages. [Source: Library] 

37. Board book: Good Night, Cuddle Tight. Kristi Valiant. 2023. [December] 20 pages. [Source: Library]

38. Baby Bear's Busy Day with Brown Bear and Friends. [Board book] "Eric Carle" Odd Dot. 2023. [September] 10 pages. [Source: Library]

39. The Paper Doll Wedding. Hilda Miloche and Wilma Kane. 1954. 20 pages. [Source: Bought] [Vintage Golden Book, Little Golden Activity Book]  

40. Board book: Country Baby. Laurie Elmquist. Illustrated by Ellen Rooney. 2024. 20 pages. [Source: Library]

41. Slide and See First Words: Farm (Board book) Helen Hughes. Illustrated by Samantha Meredith. 2024. 12 pages. [Source: Library]

42.  Board book: Don't Push the Button! On the Farm. Bill Cotter. 2024. 24 pages. [Source: Library] 

43. The Great Puptective. Alina Tysoe. 2024. 128 pages. [Source: Library]

44. Henry and the Something New. Jenn Bailey. Illustrated by Mika Song. 2024. 56 pages. [Source: Library] [early chapter book; series book] 

45. The Very Hungry Caterpillar at the Bakeshop (Board book) Eric Carle (World of Eric Carle). 2023. [November] 14 pages. [Source: Library]

46. Bears are Best: The Scoop About How We Sniff, Sneak, Snack, and Snooze. Joan Holub. Illustrated by Laurie Keller. 2023. 48 pages. [Source: Library]

47. Cookie Queen: How One Girl Started Tate's Bake Shop. Kathleen King (Founder of Tate's Bake Shop) and Lowey Bundy Sichol. Illustrated by Ramona Kaulitzki. 2023. 40 pages. [Source: Library] 


48. Sing High, Sing Crow (The Great Mathemachicken #3) Nancy Krulik. Illustrated by Charlie Alder. 2024. 112 pages. [Source: Library]

49. Poetry Comics. Grant Snider. 2024. 96 pages. [Source: Library] [poetry] 

50. Butts. Katrine Crow. [Board book] 2020. 20 pages. [Source: Library]

51. Bellies. Katrine Crow. [Board book] 2020. 20 pages. [Source: Library]

52. Counting Our Blessings. Emma Dodd. [Board book] 2020. 24 pages. [Source: Library]

53. (Little Chunkies) Animals in the Forest. DK Publishing. 2023. [Board book] 10 pages. [Source: Library] 

54. Board Book: Marvel Beginnings: Spider-Man Goes to the Farm. (978-1368090377) Steve Behling. 2024. 10 pages. [Source: Library]

55. Mary Had a Little Lamb. (Board Book) (Touch and trace) Silver Dolphin. 2024. 10 pages. [Source: Library] 

56.  Board book: Kisses: A Lift the Flap and Sliding Parts Book. Marta Comin. 2023. [December] 16 pages. [Source: Library]

57. Boop Me! Yappy Puppy. (Board book) Claire Baker. 2024. 10 pages. [Source: Library]

58. What is Snow? Very First Questions and Answers. (Board book) Katie Daynes. 2018/2023. 12 pages. [Source: Library]

59. Christmas at Nana's House. (Board book) Larissa Juliano. 2023. 20 pages. [Source: Library]

60. That's Not My Santa (Board book) Fiona Watt. 2008/2012/2023. 8 pages. [Source: Library]

61. Baby's First Passover. (Board book). DK Publishing. 2024. 13 pages. [Source: Library]    

62. Everything a Drum. Sarah Warren. Illustrated by Camila Carrossine. 2023. 24 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book] 

63. Henry's School Days. (Too Many School Days) Robert Quackenbush. 1987/2023. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [Picture book] 

64. Tangle-Knot. Loretta Ellsworth. Illustrated by Annabel Tempest. 2023. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [Picture book] 

65. This Baby. That Baby. Cari Best. Illustrated by Rashin Kheiriyeh. 2024. [February] 40 pages. [Source: Library] [Picture book] 


66. Orris and Timble #1: Orris and Timble the Beginning. Kate DiCamillo. Illustrated by Carmen Mok. 2024. 80 pages. [Source: Library] [early chapter book, animal fantasy, friendship, storytelling] 

67. Five Stories. Ellen Weinstein. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book for older readers] 

68. Fox versus Fox. Corey R Tabor. 2024. [March] 32 pages. [Source: Library] 

69. Bear and Bird: The Stars and Other Stories. Jarvis. 2023. [October 10] 64 pages. [Source: Library]

70. Duck and Moose: Duck Moves In. Kirk Reedstrom. 2024. [March] 64 pages. [Source: Library]

71. Duck and Moose: Moose Blasts Off. Kirk Reedstrom. 2024. [March] 64 pages. [Source: Library]

72. Happy Pudding. Kimberly Gee. 2023. [August] 64 pages. [Source: Library] 

73. The Story of Jim Henson. Stacia Deutsch. 2021. 70 pages. [Source: Library]

74. What is the Story of Captain Picard? David Stabler. 2023. 112 pages. [Source: Library] 

75. Bear and Bird: The Picnic and Other Stories. Jarvis. 2023. 64 pages. [Source: Library] 


76. Welcome to the Woofmore. Donna Gephart and Lori Haskins Houran. Illustrated by Josh Cleland. 2024. 80 pages. [Source: Library]  

77. They Call Me No Sam! Drew Daywalt. Illustrated by Mike Lowery. 2024. 224 pages. [Source: Library] 

78. Meatballs for Grandpa. Jeanette Fazzari Jones. Illustrated by Jaclyn Sinquett. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] 

79. The Boy Who Said Wow by Todd Boss. Illustrated by Rashin Kheiriyeh. 2024. [April] 40 pages. [Source: Library] 

80. Board book: Tiny Bear Can, Too. Yusuke Yonezu. 2024. 16 pages. [Source: Library] 

81. A Fox, a Pig, and a Dig. Jonathan Fenske. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

82. The Squish. Breanna Carzoo. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] 

83. How to Love a Kitten. Michelle Meadows. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Library] 

84. Dalmartian: A Mars Rover's Story by Lucy Ruth Cummins. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Library] 

85. Waiting in the Wings. Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton. Illustrated by Eg Keller. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book] 


86. Finding Things. Kevin Henkes. Illustrated by Laura Dronzek. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

87. The Wolf in Underpants Gets Some Pants. Wilfrid Lupano. Translated by Nathan Sacks. Illustrated by Mayana Itoiz. 2020/2023. 48 pages. [Source: Library]

88. You're Going to Love This Book. Jory John. Illustrated by Olivier Tallec. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

89. Not a Smiley Guy. Polly Horvath. Illustrated by Boris Kulikov. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

90. Proper Badger Would Never. Lauren Glattly. Illustrated by Rob Sayegh Jr. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library]

91. Oh, Are You Awake? Bob Shea. Illustrated by Jarvis. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library]

92. The Red Fruit. Lee Gi-eun. 2023. [November] 64 pages. [Source: Library]

93. Gravity is Bringing Me Down. Wendelin Van Draanen. Illustrated by Cornelia Li. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library]

94. Don't Trust Cats. (Life Lessons from Chip the Dog) Dev Petty. Illustrated by Mike Boldt. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

95. Bunny Should Be Sleeping. Amy Hest. Illustrated by Renata Liwska. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library]

96.  No Cats in the Library. Lauren Emmons. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

97. I See a Rat. Paul Meisel. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] 

98. Roger Takes a Chance. (Book Buddies #4) Cynthia Lord. Illustrated by Stephanie Graegin. 2024. 80 pages. [Source: Library] 

99. Monti and Leo: A Newcome in Pocketville. Sylvie Kantorovitz. 2024. 80 pages. [Source: Library] 

100. Dog Gets a Pet (Dog and Pony Show #1). Jeff Mack (Ready to Read Graphics Level 1). 2024. 64 pages. [Source: Library] 

101. Cornbread and Poppy for the Win (Cornbread and Poppy #4). Matthew Cordell. 2024. 80 pages. [Source: Library] 

102. Slice of Mallow (Slice of Mallow #1) Adam Foreman. 2024. 80 pages. [Source: Library] 

103. The Greatest In the World (Tater Tales #1) Ben Clanton. 2022. 88 pages. [Source: Library] [Star rating: 3/5].


104. Sketty and Meatball. Sarah Weeks. Illustrated by Alex Willmore. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [I Can Read Level 1] [5/5 Stars] 

105. Schnozzer & Tatertoes #1: Take a Hike. Rick Stromoski. 2023. 144 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] 

106. Plum to the Rescue Matt Phelan. 2024. 128 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [early chapter book] 

107. Big Bear and Little Bear Go Fishing. Amy Hest. Illustrated by Erin Stead. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book] [3 stars]

108. My Extraordinary Face: A Celebration of Differences. Marissa Suchyta and Samir Mardini. Illustrated by Violet Tobacco. 2024. 35 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [picture book]

109. The Blue Bowl. Flo Leung. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book] [3 stars] 

110. That's Not My Tiger. [Board book] Fiona Watt. Illustrated by Rachel Wells. 2010/2023. 10 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars]

111. That's Not My Lion. [Board book] Fiona Watt. 2001/2024. 10 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars]

112. That's Not My Teddy [Board book] Fiona Watt. Illustrated by Rachel Wells. 1999/2021/2024. 12 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars]

 113. That's Not My Tractor... [Board book] Fiona Watt. 2001. 10 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars]


 114. The Fastest Drummer: Clap Your Hands for Viola Smith. Dean Robbins. Illustrated by Susanna Chapman. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [Nonfiction picture book] [5 stars]

115. Catside Up, Catside Down. Anna Hrachovec. 2023. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book, concept book] [5 stars] 

116. The Dictionary Story. Oliver Jeffers. Illustrated by Sam Winston. 2024. 56 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars] [picture book] 

117. I Really, Really Don't Like Parties. Angie Morgan. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book] 4 stars]

118. [Board book] Be More Cat. Seb Davey. 2024. 24 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars]  

119. Pizza for Pia (Ready to read level 1) Betsy Groban. Illustrated by Allison Steinfeld. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [early reader]

120. Nothing Fits a Dinosaur.  (ready to read level 1) Jonathan Fenske. 2021. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [early reader, bath time]

121. Nothing Scares a Dinosaur. (Ready to read level 1). Jonathan Fenske. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [early reader, bedtime, imagination] [4 stars]

122. (Board book) Let's Put That Away: My First Book of Organizing. Clea Shearer. 2024. 24 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars]

123. Board book: D is for Dogs. Greg Paprocki. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars]

 124. The Princess in Black and the Kitty Catastrophe. Shannon and Dean Hale. Illustrated by LeUyen Pham. 2024. 96 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [early chapter book, illustrated chapter book, series book, fantasy]

125. You're The Pumpkin In My Pie (Board book). Laura Gehl. Illustrated by Vanessa Port. 2024. 20 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] 

 126. Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks Touch and Trace (board book). Richard Scarry. 2024. 14 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars]

127. Tacos. Frank Asch. 2023. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [picture books]

128. Board book: Let's Eat (An All Are Welcome Book) Alexandra Penfold. Illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman. 2024. 26 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars]

129. Board book: I Love You Berry Much! Rosamund Lloyd. Illustrated by Kat Uno. 2024. 20 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] 

130. Roar for Reading. Beth Ferry. Illustrated by Andrew Joyner. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] 


131. Pizza and Taco: Best Christmas Ever! (Pizza and Taco #8). Stephen Shaskan. 2024. 72 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [graphic novel, early reader, series book]

132. We Are Up A Tree (The Dog and Pony Show #2) Jeff Mack. 2024. 64 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [early reader, graphic novel]

133. Bear and Bird: The Adventure and Other Stories (Bear and Bird #3) Jarvis. 2024. 64 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars] [early chapter book; animal fantasy; friendship] 

134. La La La: A Story of Hope. Kate DiCamillo. Illustrated by Jaime Kim. 2017. Candlewick. 72 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [picture book, wordless picture book]

135. Good Rosie. Kate DiCamillo. Illustrated by Harry Bliss. 2018. 36 pages. [Source: Library] [2 stars] [graphic novel, early reader]

136. Anne Dreams. (Anne Chapter Book #6) Kallie George. 2024. 72 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars] [early chapter book, adapted book] 

137. Are You Small? Mo Willems. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [picture book]

138. Detective Beans and the Case of the Missing Hat. Li Chen. 2024. 208 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars] [graphic novel; j mystery; j fiction; j friendship] 

139. ABC Learn with Me: Touch and Trace Nursery Rhymes. Editors of  Silver Dolphin Books. 2024. 10 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [board book] 

140. Sensory Ocean. Rose Harkness. Carlo Beranek (illustrator). 2024. 10 pages. [Source: Library] [2 stars] [Board book]

141. Sensory Pets. Rose Harkness. Carlo Beranek (illustrator) 2024. 10 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [Board book] 

142. My Book and Me. Linda Sue Park. Illustrated by Chris Raschka. 2024. 36 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [picture book]

143.  The Book That Almost Rhymed. Omar Abed. Illustrated by Hatem Aly. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book] [5 stars]

144. The Little Chefs: Three Stories by Rosemary Wells. 2024. [October 22] 80 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] 

145. Brandon and the Totally Troublesome Time Machine. Seth Fishman. Illustrated by Mark Fearing. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [picture book]

146. Mr. Santa. Jarvis. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book] [4 stars]

147. Chicka Chicka Ho Ho Ho. William Boniface. Illustrated by Julien Chung. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars]

148. Christmas at Hogwarts. J.K. Rowling. Illustrate by Ziya Gao. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars]

149. The Tree of Life: How a Holocaust Sapling Inspired the World. Elisa Boxer. Illustrated by Alianna Rozentsveig. 2024. 41 pages. [Source: Library] [nonfiction; j nonfiction] [5 stars]

150. Fox Plays Ball (I Can Read!) Corey R. Tabor. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars] [early reader, I Can Read, series book]

151. Santa's First Christmas. Mac Barnett. Illustrated by Sydney Smith. 2024. [October 22] 40 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [picture book, Christmas, Santa]

152. The Man Who Didn't Like Animals. Deborah Underwood. Illustrated by LeUyen Pham. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars] [picture book]

153. Board book: Persuasion: A Colors Primer. Jennifer Adams. Illustrated by Alison Oliver. 2024. 22 pages. [Source: library] [3 stars] 

154. The Most Boring Book Ever. Brandon Sanderson. Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book, 4 stars, unreliable narrator, read between the lines] 

155. Board book: Dog's First Christmas. Natalie Nelson. 2024. 28 pages. [Source: Library] [board book, Christmas, pets, babies] [4 stars]

156.  Santa Mouse Finds a Friend. Michael Brown. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book, Christmas] [3 stars]


157. All at Once Upon a Time. Mara Rockliff. Illustrated by Gladys Jose. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Review copy, picture book, humor] [5 stars]

158. Barbie in the 1960s. Elizabeth Andrews. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [nonfiction, early chapter books] 

159. Barbie in the 1970s. Elizabeth Andrews. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [nonfiction, early chapter books]

160. Barbie in the 1980s. Elizabeth Andrews. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [nonfiction, early chapter books]  

 161. Barbie in the 1990s. Elizabeth Andrews. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [nonfiction, early chapter book]

162. How To Draw a Brave Chicken. Ethan T. Berlin. Illustrated by Jimbo Matison. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars, humor, picture book]

163. I Am Wriggly. Michael Rosen. Illustrated by Robert Starling. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [picture book]

164. Merry Whatmas? Eoin McLaughlin. Illustrated by Polly Dunbar. 2023. 34 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [picture book, holiday, animal fantasy, friendship]

 165. Genius in a High Chair. Rosemary Wells. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [picture book, family, learning to talk]



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