Thursday, September 5, 2024

116. The Dictionary Story

116. The Dictionary Story. Oliver Jeffers. Illustrated by Sam Winston. 2024. 56 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars] [picture book]

First sentence:  Most of the time, all the books knew what they were about. But there was one book who was never quite sure of herself. The dictionary had all the words that had ever been read, which meant she could say all the things that could EVER BE SAID. Yet, when you read her pages from FIRST to LAST, she didn't tell a story like all the other books.

Premise/plot: The Dictionary is envious that all the other books in the library tell a story while she does not. She decides to bring the words within to life. And so it begins...

My thoughts: I definitely enjoyed this quirky, fun, celebratory story. The words that are brought to life make for a lively read. The plot is chaotic and silly, yet in a delightful way--at least for me. I enjoyed the resolution. I think this one has potential for readers of multiple ages. I do think young readers could write stories of their own inspired by this one. The possibilities for new stories are endless since the dictionary is vast. It is a creative story book.


© 2024 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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