Tuesday, September 24, 2024

127. Tacos

127. Tacos. Frank Asch. 2023. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars] [picture books]

First sentence: One day Papa Bear came home from work and announced, "Good news! My boss is sending me to Arizona next week on a business trip, and I can bring my family." "Wonderful!" said Mama Bear. "But I can't go. I have to prepare for the library book sale." 

Premise/plot: Papa Bear takes Baby Bear to Arizona with him on a business trip. On the trip, Baby Bear tries his first taco. And it is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Life-changing love and obsession. Baby Bear loves tacos so much he never wants to leave. Papa Bear reassures him that they can continue to eat tacos once they return home. They can even make tacos at home.

My thoughts: I too LOVE tacos. The story is taco-themed which may be enough for some readers. I am not familiar with Frank Asch and his Bear characters. I know that this book is part of a larger body of work. This one may offer some nostalgia for the illustrations and characters for those that are familiar with the Bear family.  



© 2024 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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