Friday, June 21, 2024

81-82. Beach Reads

81. A Fox, a Pig, and a Dig. Jonathan Fenske. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: I am Fox. I am Pig. I like to nap! I like to dig! We like the sand. We like the sun. We think the beach is so much fun.

Premise/plot: A Fox, a Pig, and a Dig is an early reader starring two friends, a Fox and a Pig. This duo has appeared in other early readers. This one is set at the beach in three parts or stories. Fox is trying to be sneaky and prank Pig. But Pig isn't falling for any of it.

My thoughts: Fox and Pig are very silly characters. I have a vague memory of reading a previous title in this series. I am more familiar with Jonathan Fenske's other children's titles. I enjoyed this one. It was summer-y. It was fun. I think it would be a fun read aloud to share with kids. If you have an emerging reader or new reader, you could even take turns reading. 

82. The Squish. Breanna Carzoo. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Hello, world! Here I am! What's that? What just happened to me?! That felt awful. I can't ever let that happen again! I've gotta...pick myself up, dust myself off, and be on the lookout! Nothing will get me now!

Premise/plot: Life isn't easy when you are a sand castle on the beach. Life is full of repeated squishes. This book chronicles the mental/emotional health of a sand castle. It is definitely a unique perspective or point of view. Can Sandcastle learn to overcome all of life's obstacles?

My thoughts: This is definitely a unique read. I'd never really considered the point of view of a sand castle. I hadn't thought of using it as imagery or allegory adjacent story of how to cope with life's ups or downs--or squishes as the case may be. The story can definitely be viewed more abstractly with older readers. But it doesn't necessarily lack accessibility for younger readers. It could at its most basic be a cute and silly story. Emotional coping skills are very important no matter your age. 

© 2024 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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