Saturday, July 20, 2024

103. The Greatest in the World (Tater Tales)

The Greatest In the World (Tater Tales #1) Ben Clanton. 2022. 88 pages. [Source: Library] [Star rating: 3/5]. 

First sentence: This is Rot Poe Tater. He's a mutant potato. 

Premise/plot: Rot, Snot, and Tot are siblings. This graphic novel chapter book series chronicles a series of contests to see who is THE GREATEST in the world. Tot, the little sister, is the judge of these contests. Rot and Snot are brothers fighting it out. 

My thoughts: I really did not like this one at all. Just not a good fit for me personally. But a good example of how a book can be not for you and still might be for someone else. This book no doubt will have fans from its target audience. There's an age group that will likely get the giggles over the names Snot and Rot.


© 2024 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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