A Walk Down Sesame Street. Pop-Up Book. Candlewick Press.
I have mixed thoughts on this one. On the one hand, it is Sesame Street. But on the other hand, it is the new Sesame Street. Do I have the same affection for Abby and Zoe that I do for Grover and Big Bird? No. Definitely not. But who is the book for? Is the book for young readers who can't get enough Elmo? If so, then they'll be pleased. Because Elmo is the star of this one. If the book is for nostalgic adults, then perhaps it's not as successful at capturing the street we knew and loved. What should you expect in this one? Pop-ups and interactive activities--little things to manipulate on each spread. (Tabs to pull, wheels to turn, flaps to open and close, etc.)
Did I like the pop-ups? Yes and no. Some were fun. I loved the fact that you can make Super Grover fly and Cookie Monster stir a bowl of cookie dough. And the final page is just fun. You've got a pretty full cast of characters that pop out at you: Cookie, Oscar, Bert and Ernie, Elmo, Abby, Grover. (And a few more in the sidelines Big Bird, Zoe, and the Count.) But that first picture, the one where Elmo is as tall (if not taller) than the buildings on the street, just a wee bit scary...to me...at least.
So I liked it. But I didn't love, love, love it.
This one releases in October 2009.
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
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