You know how much I love baby reviewers! Well, I am very proud and happy to introduce you to our newest baby reviewer, Snugglebug!!! Snugglebug's reviews will be written by his mama, Ladybug.
Originally published in 1996, Guess How Much I Love You is a definite must read for anyone young or old. Four-month old Snugglebug was mesmerized the first time his mama, Ladybug, read it to him. The illustrations by Anita Jeram are simple enough to catch his eye and detailed enough to keep him interested. He studied the illustrations of Little Brown Hare and Big Brown Hare while listening intently to the story of Little Brown Hare's attempt to prove he loves his father, Big Brown Hare, more than his father loves him.
The author, Sam McBratney, uses just the right number of words for each page so little eyes are not bored before reaching the end of the page. The number of pages are also the perfect amount reaching an end to the story just as the small one's attention span also reaches an end.
While not a classic yet, Snugglebug declared it one of his favorites. Ladybug noted the only downside is the pages are not thick enough for Snugglebug to turn them. Ladybug would strongly recommend one's parents purchase this book as a board book for anyone Snugglebug's age.
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