Scotton, Rob. 2008. Splat the Cat.
Splat the Cat is incredibly rich in detail. One that you might have to read twice just to notice everything. (I did.) On the surface, Splat the Cat is your typical first-day-of-school story. Splat is a cat that is nervous, anxious, and jittery as can be about the first day of Cat School. (His tail is one big question mark!) On that first page, Splat is making a face that I feel almost everyone can relate to!
I love that on the next page--when Splat and his pet mouse, Seymour, are trying to "hide" from the day, that you can still see them through the sheets. I love that kind of intricate detail. The illustrations have such depth, in my opinion.

Cat School is full of new things. Classmates. A teacher. Mrs. Wimpydimple. (That's fun to say isn't it?) One of the first things Splat learns is that cats are amazing...that he is amazing. He also "learns" that cats chase mice. Though for the life of him he can't figure out WHY a cat would want to do such a thing!
As older readers (and younger readers) might have guessed, there comes a time during the day when Seymour's presence is made known. When the classmates (and perhaps even the teacher) try to chase him. But Seymour gets the best of them. And in fact, he endears himself to everyone when he upon nudging from Splat saves the day.
I'll leave the rest to your imagination. But needless to say, the second day of school looks to be off to a much better start for Splat!
This one is fun. Pure and simple. It's fun. It covers a wide range of emotions. And it's one that parents, children, and teachers can all relate to in one way or another.
Other reviews: 100 Scope Notes, Cheryl Rainfield, Julie M. Prince, Bookami, The Reading Tub, Class Brain, Charlotte
Author/Illustrator website.
Great review, Becky!
I really enjoyed this one too.
Thanks for linking me.
Um, that was me, by the way. I don't use my blogger/google account very often, so I've never changed it to my name. :)
~Julie Prince
Thanks, Becky! The illustrations look like so much fun and the story sounds just as clever (I love the teacher's name). I will definitely pick this one up for my son and I to read together!
Thanks for showing some of the inside pages -- I think it's very helpful to see a little more of the book than just the cover. The illustrations are cute!
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