Tuesday, August 3, 2021

99. My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World

My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World. Malcolm Mitchell. Illustrated by Michael Robertson. 2020. [December] 32 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Hi! I'm Henley. And this is a story about finding my very favorite book in the whole wide world.

Premise/plot: Reading doesn't come easily or naturally to Henley. He'd be hard-pressed to answer the question "What is your favorite book?" So when that exact question is asked for a homework assignment, he struggles. He visits the library, the bookstore, talks to his parents. But he's got a trick up his sleeve...maybe his favorite book in the whole wide world doesn't exist yet...because he hasn't written it yet.

My thoughts: I liked this one. I didn't love it. I do like that Henley found his voice and authored his own story. There's something cute and adorable about that. 

Yet at the same time, I wanted him to have an actual actual favorite book. You don't have to read yourself to have a favorite book. You don't. Plenty of kids have a stack of favorite books that they've only heard read aloud, that they've only "read" by looking at the pictures. His not having a favorite book makes me sad. Sad that he didn't have a favorite book at home already in his room, by his bed, a book part of his routine.

 I admit that I may be overthinking this a thousand percent. I do that.

© 2021 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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