Saturday, August 21, 2021

127. Pizza and Taco: Who's The Best?

Pizza and Taco: Who's The Best? (Pizza and Taco #1) Stephen Shashkan. 2020. [May] 72 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence:
Taco: Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!
Pizza: Whoa! Slow down, Taco.

Premise/plot: Pizza and Taco are starring in their first graphic novel, the first in a series. In this one, the two best friends argue about WHO is the best? This argument plays out through several chapters--including a trip to the water park where they compete side by side to PROVE who's really the best. Also making an appearance in this one is the duo Hamburger and Hotdog.

My thoughts: These two really are best friends; they even have a special dance and handshake. This first book is all about introducing the characters and embracing the silliness. 

There are three books available so far--a fourth coming in 2022. I read all three in one sitting. The first one was the weakest. But don't let that stop you from reading it with your little one. I think it's good for a few giggles. And perhaps the following books were better because I was already acquainted with the characters and the world. 


© 2021 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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