Mercy Watson Thinks Like A Pig. Kate DiCamillo. Illustrated by Chris Van Dusen. 2008. Candlewick. 80 pages.
Mr. Watson and Mrs. Watson have a pig named Mercy.
Mr. Watson, Mrs. Watson, and Mercy live together in a house at 54 Deckawoo Drive.
One day, Mr. Watson and Mrs. Watson and Mercy were sitting on their patio.
Mr. Watson and Mrs. Watson and Mercy were drinking lemonade.
Mr. Watson said, "Mrs. Watson, this lemonade makes my lips feel puckery."
"I put an awful lot of lemons in it," said Mrs. Watson.
"That explains it," said Mr. Watson.
I finally got a chance to read this one, the fifth in the series. Last month, I read the other five Mercy Watson books. Fortunately, you don't have to read the books in order to appreciate Mercy Watson*.
What is this Mercy Watson adventure about? Well, it's about Mercy being Mercy. And Eugenia being Eugenia. Eugenia, for those that may not be familiar with the series, is a neighbor who DOES NOT like having a pig live next door. Not even a little bit. No, Eugenia is tired of the pig ruining everything. And she's had enough! She's calling animal control. Surely, they can send someone to take care of one not-so-little pig, right?
I love the Mercy Watson books because they are funny. I think you might like them too!
*Here are the other books:
Mercy Watson to the Rescue. Kate DiCamillo. 2005. Candlewick Press. 80 pages.
Mercy Watson Goes For A Ride. Kate DiCamillo. Illustrated by Chris Van Dusen. 2006. Candlewick Press. 80 pages.
Mercy Watson Fights Crime. Kate DiCamillo. Illustrated by Chris Van Dusen. 2006. Candlewick. 80 pages.
Mercy Watson Princess in Disguise. Kate DiCamillo. 2007. Illustrated by Chris Van Dusen. 73 pages.
Mercy Watson Something Wonky This Way Comes. Kate DiCamillo. Illustrated by Chris Van Dusen. 2009. Candlewick Press. 96 pages.
© Becky Laney of
Young Readers