Friday, December 17, 2021

181. Pilgrim Cat

Pilgrim Cat. Carol Antoinette Peacock. Illustrated by Doris Ettlinger. 2004. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

 First sentence: On a breezy September morning in 1620, a stray cat prowled on the decks, hunting his breakfast.

Premise/plot: Can the presence of a cat save this Thanksgiving-themed picture book? (I'll answer that in 'my thoughts.') Faith Barrett finds a lifelong friend in Pounce, the 'pilgrim' cat of the title. The book essentially is a history lesson about the Mayflower and the Plymouth settlement. It is a history lesson thinly veiled through the perspective of a cat-loving little girl, Faith. 

My thoughts: The answer to the question is NO, not really. Garfield's Thanksgiving is one of my favorite, favorite, favorite, favorite holiday specials. It's incredibly quotable and just GOOD fun. In that special, Jon puts his "date" (Garfield's vet) to sleep with his history lesson. (All the while Jon's Grandma is saving their dinner in the kitchen.) This book reminded me of Jon's history lesson. Pounce is a lovely cat. I'm glad she has kittens. I'm glad she brings so much joy and happiness to Faith. But the book is a little too boring for me to recommend. Though if you *have* to read a Thanksgiving themed book, I suppose having one with a cat could be a bonus.


© 2021 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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