Wednesday, January 18, 2023

14. The One and Only Bob

The One and Only Bob. Katherine Applegate. Illustrated by Patricia Castelao.  2020. 352 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Look, nobody's ever accused me of being a good dog. I bark at empty air. I eat cat litter. I roll in garbage to enhance my aroma. I harass innocent squirrels. I hog the couch. I lick myself in the presence of company. I'm no saint, okay?

The One and Only Bob is a sequel to Katherine Applegate's One and Only Ivan. Is it a sequel or more of a companion novel? Definitely a sequel. The novel opens with Bob living with his new family (George, Sara, Julia), and Ivan (the gorilla) and Ruby (the elephant) in their new homes at the local zoo. There are flashbacks--of sorts--to their time living together at the mall (as well as other flashbacks). 

The One and Only Bob has enough action for ten books. (I jest, mostly). You could argue that The One and Only Ivan was a character-driven, contemplative/reflective story with tons of heart. The One and Only Bob doesn't lack any in the character department. It doesn't. (There are new characters introduced too). And it certainly has HEART. (It is all the feels all at once.) But the action is INTENSE. Now take what you're imagining and magnify by about five. For 98% of this one expect to have your stomach in knots and an ache in your heart. 

So a storm is coming...and it's a BIG storm. It will catch all the characters--especially the animals, but also the humans--a bit unprepared. 

I really LOVED this one. It is a love in a different way. It complements One and Only Ivan. It does. But the intensity of the action is something that I could NEVER have handled in a million years as a kid. Bravo to those who can read it without becoming a total wreck. And the ending is 1000% worth it. It is a GREAT book. But oh the journey for these characters!!!!!

© 2023 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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