Friday, November 26, 2021

169. The Smart Cookie

The Smart Cookie. Jory John. Illustrated by Pete Oswald. 2021. [November] 40 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Greetings, I'm a cookie. I live in a bakery on a street corner near a river.

Premise/plot: The Smart Cookie is a motivational speech disguised as a children's story book. The narrator, a cookie, is a SMART cookie. But this cookie didn't always feel smart. There was a time this cookie felt anything and everything but smart.

My thoughts: There wasn't much there besides a motivational speech. I guess the message is a good one, a necessary one. But The Smart Cookie is FAR from Leo the Late Bloomer. There just wasn't much story or development beyond the didactic, motivational speech.


© 2021 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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