Tuesday, November 9, 2021

162. Clarice the Brave

Clarice the Brave. Lisa McMann. 2021. [October] 272 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Mutiny. I'd heard that word before.

Premise/plot: For those that enjoy--even love--animal fantasy I'd recommend Lisa McMann's Clarice the Brave. This children's fantasy takes place mainly at sea--mainly. It stars two young mice--brother and sister--Clarice and Charles Sebastian. Life on board ship is HARD and full of dangers. Humans and cats pose the greatest risk--though the natural elements of wind, waves, storms pose a risk as well. But what will happen to these two when DISORDER breaks out on ship? Mutiny spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E. When Clarice and Charles Sebastian are separated--by circumstances beyond their control--can either survive long enough to find the other?! The book follows both Clarice and Charles Sebastian in alternating chapters. (Or I believe they are alternating equally.) 

My thoughts: I definitely enjoyed this one. I personally found it hard to keep track of the alternating narrators. I wish that the book had better signals or indicators to let readers know with confidence who was narrating. I found myself searching for clues and context--anything to help me clarify if it was Clarice or Charles Sebastian. 

Reading is subjective. And sometimes you read a book with several distractions going on that the author is not to blame for. That could be the case here. I'd have to reread this one later to see. Since I mostly enjoyed it more than not, that isn't out of the question. 

I think Clarice the Brave would make a lovely animated film. I do. 

I thought Special Lady was a GREAT cat. I was very, very, very, very angry with the book for a couple of chapters. Think CHARLOTTE'S WEB upset.

I loved the recurring message. It only takes one mouse to believe in you. And that one mouse is me.


© 2021 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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