Monday, June 21, 2021

64. Dog Den Mystery

Dog Den Mystery (Jack Russell Dog Detective #1) Darrel and Sally Odgers. 2006. 76 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: Round and round and round. The paws are faster than sound. Round and round, round and round, round and...

Premise/plot: Jack Russell, our hero, is moving with his human, Sarge (a police detective), to a new town, Doggeroo, in this first installment of a mystery series for young readers. As he's settling into his place--in particular his new back yard--he discovers some disconcerting smells and makes some observations. His yard HAD an old boot when they arrived, but, soon after the boot is gone. At first he's fine--it's not HIS boot--but then his own things (like his food bowl, his blanket, his squeak bone, etc) go missing. Can Jack Russell solve this case of burglary and reclaim his stuff?

My thoughts: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one. I loved the narration/narrative style. Jack has a very unique voice. He includes plenty of JACK FACTS and a glossary with each chapter. It is a fun, light-hearted read. I loved the characters, the dialogue, the illustrations.

Jack Facts

  • Cars have windows. Dogs have noses. When these things come together, one must be stuck out the other. This is a fact. (4)
  • Scratching and yapping gets you into the house when you're out. Scratching and yapping gets you out of the house when you're in. This is a fact. (14)

Jack's Glossary

  • Squekes. Small hairy dogs with bulging eyes and loud yaffles. (34)
  • Pan-dog-monium. A lot of noise that involves dogs. (62)


© 2021 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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