Friday, March 5, 2021

28. Baby Loves (Political Science) Congress

Board Book: Baby Loves Congress. Ruth Spiro. Illustrated by Greg Paprocki. 2021. [April] 20 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: It's beautiful weather for a bike ride...but pollution is not beautiful. It is unhealthy for people and our planet. Grown-ups and businesses must follow rules to keep our communities safe. These rules are called laws.

Premise/plot: Baby learns all about how a bill is made a law in Ruth Spiro's newest board book series for young readers. It starts with an observation--pollution is bad, bad news; something must be done. One way to get things done is to pass laws, but how are laws made or decided upon?! 

My thoughts: I definitely liked Baby Loves Congress more than Baby Loves the Presidency. I thought it was a straight-forward narrative that was simplified and easy to process. (I don't know that passing a law is *ever* this simple and easy.) Readers get a vision of what the process could look like if POLITICS didn't get in the way of running a country.



© 2021 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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