Saturday, October 30, 2010
October Favorites
We Are In A Book! Elephant and Piggie Series. Mo Willems.
Miles to Go. Jamie Harper.
Mad at Mommy. Komako Sakai.
The Gobble Gobble Moooooo Tractor Book. Jez Alborough.
ABC, Baby Me! Susan B. Katz.
Just One Bite: 11 Animals and their Bites at Life Size! Lola M. Schaefer.
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Friday, October 29, 2010
Babyberry Pie
Babyberry Pie. Heather Vogel Frederick. Illustrated by Amy Schwartz. 2010. October 2010. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 40 pages.
When the moon goes dancing
Across the starry sky,
It's time to bring the baby in
For babyberry pie!
First you pick a baby
From the babyberry tree--
One who's sweet,
A cuddly treat--
And bring him home to me.
Babyberry Pie is a sweet, playful bedtime book. It rhymes. And while I wouldn't say it's the best rhyming book I've ever read, it certainly works well enough. My favorite part of the story is the middle--after bathtime--when it's:
But while I found it cute in some places, I didn't like the "pie crust", where the parents pile quilts and pillows high in the crib to tuck baby into. Yes, it makes a cute "pie" and fits the imagery that the author was going for. But babies aren't supposed to sleep with pillows or blankets.
Sugar for his bellybutton!
Sugar for his nose!
Sugar for his fingertips!
And sugar for his toes!
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
picture books,
review copy
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I Will Surprise My Friend
Hee hee hee!
What are you doing?
I am going to surprise my friend! Shhh... Here she comes! Boo!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Hee hee hee!
Hee hee hee!
Inspired by two playful squirrels, Gerald and Piggie decide to "surprise" each other by the big rock. But things don't go quite they way they planned! Oh, they end up surprised. But not in the way they thought they would be. When Gerald can't find Piggie, and Piggie can't find Gerald, Gerald begins imagining the worst. He must save Piggie! Meanwhile Piggie is a little worried about Gerald. But. Thoughts of lunch interrupt!
I Will Surprise My Friend is a funny book. It is part of the Elephant and Piggie series by Mo Willems. I would definitely recommend this series!!!
Other books in the series:
Can I Play Too?
Elephants Cannot Dance
I Am Going
Pigs Make Me Sneeze
Watch Me Throw The Ball
Are You Ready to Play Outside
I Love My New Toy
I Am Invited to A Party
My Friend is Sad
Today I Will Fly
There Is A Bird On Your Head
We Are In A Book
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
early readers,
Elephant and Piggie,
library book,
Mo Willems,
series books
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Phineas and Ferb: The Chronicles of Meap
This is a "junior graphic novel" adaptation of a Phineas and Ferb episode--The Chronicles of Meap. This is one of the best episodes--in my opinion. I love it because it's so funny, so quotable. (I now know why frogs and cows don't date.) It's about how you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, or an alien by its meap! It has a great subplot too with Perry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz. I love the episode.
I'll be honest. I'd probably love watching this story more than reading it. They leave out *some* of the best parts of the cartoon. They shortened Dr. Doffenshmirtz's back story quite a bit. Which is understandable but unfortunate. Since it is one of his best back stories that I've ever heard.
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Phineas and Ferb: Nothing But Trouble
This book is a "junior graphic novel" adaptation of an episode of Phineas and Ferb. Now, I love Phineas and Ferb. I do. I love some episodes more than others. I've found some episodes are good viewing once or twice, but become obnoxious the twentieth time around. I've found some episodes are so very good, so very funny, that I could never tire of them. Nothing But Trouble features "Day of the Living Gelatin!" and "Elementary, My Dear Stacy!" I don't *love* either of these episodes in particular. (I don't dislike them either.)
In the first story, Phineas and Ferb fill a swimming pool with gelatin. It's fun at first--in a bouncy way--but the fun is spoiled by Dr. Doofenshmirtz's "Turn-Everything-Evil-Inator." Soon a gelatin monster--an evil gelatin monster--is on the loose.
In the second story, Phineas and Ferb along with Candace and Stacy are visiting grandparents in England. After staying up all night reading Sherlock Holmes, Candace is ready to bust her brothers in a whole new way.
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Life of Rice: From Seedling to Supper
My life as a photographer involves a lot of fast-paced travel followed by slower times at home as I review and edit my photographs.
I have enjoyed several of Richard Sobol's books. I find his photographs to be engaging and his text to be informative, and reader-friendly. This nonfiction book focuses on Thailand, on the importance of rice to Thailand--its people, its culture, its calendar even. It begins with an invitation to the Royal Plowing Ceremony. He accepts, of course, and thus begins his journey as he explores a culture and a grain. As he follows this important crop throughout the year--observing how nothing of this plant is wasted. I enjoyed this one. I found it informative and interesting--much more interesting than I thought it would be!
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Have you seen Babies?
I just LOVE the movie-documentary Babies. I loved so many things about it! Have you seen it? You should!!!
The trailer...
Babies sleeping...
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
The trailer...
Babies sleeping...
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Binky To The Rescue
Binky to the Rescue. Ashley Spires. 2010. Kids Can Press. 64 pages.
Another one got in.
It's the third alien today.
But it will not escape.
Binky is an official certified space cat.
His ongoing mission is to protect his space station from alien invasion.
Even if it means dealing with...
One alien at a time.
Lately, Binky has intensified his patrolling duties.
His speed...his agility...and his super fighting skills...require all his focus.
Binky is back in his second adventure. His first, Binky the Space Cat, I just LOVED! I wasn't expecting a sequel, so I was thrilled when I received a copy of Binky To The Rescue. What will this certified space kitty do in his second adventure? Will it be just as cute, just as funny?
I wasn't disappointed. Binky faces a great danger--not once but twice--in Binky to the Rescue. He faces the dangers of outer space. For those that haven't read the first book, outer space--to Binky at least--is outside. In Binky To The Rescue, Binky accidentally leaves his space station (the house). And it is quite scary--let me tell you--Binky does not like it one little bit. Fortunately, his owner notices he's missing and rescues him--just in time! But when he realizes that his friend, his companion, his copilot is missing (Ted the Mousie), it's time for this kitty to get brave. Ted must be rescued! He must! Face his fears, he will. Can Binky save Ted? Can he find his way outdoors again?
I would definitely recommend both Binky books. These graphic novels are very fun!
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Another one got in.
It's the third alien today.
But it will not escape.
Binky is an official certified space cat.
His ongoing mission is to protect his space station from alien invasion.
Even if it means dealing with...
One alien at a time.
Lately, Binky has intensified his patrolling duties.
His speed...his agility...and his super fighting skills...require all his focus.
Binky is back in his second adventure. His first, Binky the Space Cat, I just LOVED! I wasn't expecting a sequel, so I was thrilled when I received a copy of Binky To The Rescue. What will this certified space kitty do in his second adventure? Will it be just as cute, just as funny?
I wasn't disappointed. Binky faces a great danger--not once but twice--in Binky to the Rescue. He faces the dangers of outer space. For those that haven't read the first book, outer space--to Binky at least--is outside. In Binky To The Rescue, Binky accidentally leaves his space station (the house). And it is quite scary--let me tell you--Binky does not like it one little bit. Fortunately, his owner notices he's missing and rescues him--just in time! But when he realizes that his friend, his companion, his copilot is missing (Ted the Mousie), it's time for this kitty to get brave. Ted must be rescued! He must! Face his fears, he will. Can Binky save Ted? Can he find his way outdoors again?
I would definitely recommend both Binky books. These graphic novels are very fun!
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
graphic novel,
Kids Can Press,
review copy
Friday, October 22, 2010
Spork was neither spoon nor fork...
but a bit of both.
He had a mum and a dad...
who both thought he was perfect
just the way he was.
But Spork stuck out.
In his kitchen, forks were forks and spoons were spoons.
Spork is a book with a message--but I think I like it anyway. (I wouldn't say love.) Spork doesn't fit in with the forks or the spoons. He doesn't like being alone, being the one-and-only. He doesn't feel needed or wanted. The forks and spoons are always getting used; they are always in service. But who needs a spork?! But when Spork meets a "messy thing" (a baby) he may have found his perfect match, his reason for being.
It's a silly story--absurd in a way--yet it works in a strange way.
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
emotions and feelings,
Kids Can Press,
picture books,
review copy
Thursday, October 21, 2010
How To Raise a Dinosaur
Are you thinking of getting a pet?If you're going to get a pet dinosaur, you're going to need to know how to take care of it. This book by Natasha Wing may just help you out. It tells you exactly what you need to know about pet dinosaurs--how to avoid some unpleasant situations, how to avoid getting eaten--for example!
Then you've come to the right place.
Picking the perfect pet can be perpetually perplexing.
There are so many choices!
There are...
mice and horses and...
cats and dogs and...
snakes and gerbils and rats and lizards and birds and...need I go on?
Yes I do! Because do I have a pet for you!
There are many books about pets, many funny books about pets. How does this one compare? This one is playful and spirited. I loved all the flaps! I did. It made for an interactive experience. Little hands like flaps--like the surprises they contain. I am happy to recommend this one.
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
picture books,
review copy,
Running Press
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Miles to Go
Miles to Go. Jamie Harper. 2010. Candlewick Press. 32 pages.
"Another day, another drive," Miles says.Miles to Go is such a fun book. I loved the illustrations. I loved the text. I loved everything! It was cute. But not too cute. Simple, but not too simple. It was funny in all the right ways. It just worked really, really well. It had a certain something that I just loved and adored.
He packs up the car and climbs inside.
"Have to get to school!"
Miles puts on his seat belt. Check.
Cranks the key. Check.
Squeezes the horn.
Uh-oh. Broken!
No time to fix it now.
I think it would make a great read aloud for a group. But I also think it would be nice to share one-on-one with a child you love! I'll definitely be recommending this one!
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
picture books,
review copy,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Mad at Mommy
Mommy, I -- I --
I am so mad at you!
You always sleep late,
especially on Saturdays.
Always and always.
You always watch your shows
and never let me watch cartoons.
This little bunny could tell you a dozen reasons why he is so, so mad at his mommy! Perhaps you can relate?! But as our narrator shares his feelings, as he lets his anger out--using words--he begins to calm down. Not at first, perhaps. But by the end, he's ready to make up again. He realizes just how much he loves, loves, loves his mommy!
I really, really liked this one. There were places I loved it. The narrative voice was great. It felt believable, authentic, kid-like. One of the reasons I enjoyed this one so much is because of the illustrations. I thought they were wonderful! I just loved them! Especially the one where this little bunny is waiting and waiting and waiting for his mother to hurry up!
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Gobble Gooble Moooooo Tractor Book
Early one morning, when Farmer Dougal was still asleep...I loved this one. I just LOVED it! I always love a good farm book, a farm book that begs to be read aloud. Over and over and over again. While I can't say I loved The Gobble Gobble Moooooo Tractor Book as well as The Cow Loves Cookies, I definitely loved it. And I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves a silly oh-so-fun read. It would pair well with Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type, Farmer Duck, and Punk Farm.
Sheep climbed onto the big red tractor.
"What are you doing?" asked Cat.
"I'm going for a ride," said Sheep.
"This is the sound the tractor makes when you turn the engine on..."
"Can I come?" asked Cat.
"I can do the sound the engine makes when it starts to wiggle and jiggle..."
"Wait for me!" said Turkey.
Loved the text and the illustrations. Loved the story. Loved how the excitement kept building and building! How more and more animals join in the fun in making all the "tractor" sounds. I think it definitely works best as a read aloud!
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
borrowed book,
picture books
Saturday, October 16, 2010
My Mommy Hung the Moon: A Love Story
My Mommy Hung the Moon. Jamie Lee Curtis. Illustrated by Laura Cornell. 2010. September 2010. HarperCollins. 40 pages.
While I didn't like the cover, I did like the illustrations--for the most part. My favorite spread? The big momma batch of cookies! It isn't my favorite picture book by Jamie Lee Curtis, but I did enjoy it. I liked the rhyming. My favorite?
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
My mommy hung the moon.This one is perfect for anyone who has ever thought their mom could do anything. Page after page, readers learn what "anything" might mean. It's very imaginative, very colorful, very bright, very silly--but silly in the from-the-heart way. My Mommy Hung the Moon is an exaggerated love story between child and parent.
She tied it with string.
My mommy's good at
She lit up the sun,
so bright and so round.
She puffed out each cloud,
stretched trees from the ground.
While I didn't like the cover, I did like the illustrations--for the most part. My favorite spread? The big momma batch of cookies! It isn't my favorite picture book by Jamie Lee Curtis, but I did enjoy it. I liked the rhyming. My favorite?
She buzzed every bee.So I would recommend this one.
She spun every spider.
She growled every bear.
She striped every tiger.
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
borrowed book,
picture books
The Adventures of Granny Clearwater & Little Critter
One day the Clearwater family decided to head out to where the sun sets--that place called the West. With Ma by his side, Pa drove the wagon. The older Clearwater children walked while Little Critter and Granny rode in the back.
I'm not sure what I think about The Adventures of Granny Clearwater & Little Critter. I like the title very much--that's one of the reasons why I picked it up in the first place. I also really liked the cover. It just looked like a fun book. A book with potential to be quite funny. And I did enjoy the illustrations. They were very fun, very comical in an over-the-top way. In other words, they suited the book well.
The premise is silly--but simple. On the trip West, Granny and Little Critter get separated from the rest of the family. These two then have adventures--and misadventures--as they continue the journey West all the while hoping to reunite with the family.
I was a little disappointed with the book--to be honest. It wasn't as funny as I'd hoped. And it was wordy--very text-heavy! Not the best choice for a read-aloud--at least not for preschoolers.
What should you expect? A silly book, an outlandish book, in a tall-tale kind of way. It's rich in language which would make it a better match for older readers. For example,
Each day Granny and Little Critter walked across that leave-your-mouth-scorching-dry prairie heading west. They got so thirsty Granny had to do a rainwater dance taught to her by her grandpappy with itchy feet. Why that desert had never seen such a downpour.I think I was disappointed because I was expecting something different. I was expecting something for younger readers. But I think it would work well for the right audience.
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Cybils Nominations 2010 (Easy/Early Readers)
Easy Readers
Aggie the Brave (Aggie and Ben)
by Lori Ries
Nominated by: Debbie Nance
Balloon Toons: Rick & Rack and the Great Outdoors
by Ethan Long
Blue Apple Books
Nominated by: Tracey Daniels
Benny and Penny in the Toy Breaker (Toon)
by Geoffrey Hayes
Toon Books
Nominated by: Jennifer Wharton
Can I Play Too? (An Elephant and Piggie Book)
by Mo Willems
Nominated by: Melissa
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Spring Babies
by Erica Silverman
Nominated by: Madigan McGillicuddy
Find the Cat!: A Pet Club Story
by Gwendolyn Hooks
Stone Arch Books
Nominated by: Kelly Starling Lyons
Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl
by Tedd Arnold
Cartwheel Books
Nominated by: Mary McKenna Siddals
Funny Lunch (Max Spaniel)
by David Catrow
Orchard Books
Nominated by: Kara Dean
Gilbert, the Surfer Dude (I Can Read Book 2)
by Diane Degroat
Nominated by: Jennifer Donovan
I Am Going! (An Elephant and Piggie Book)
by Mo Willems
Nominated by: Becky
I Am Reading: Alien Alby
by Kaye Umansky
Nominated by: Marina Cambareri
I Am Reading: Yeti Spaghetti
by Samantha Hay
Nominated by: Summer Ogata
Ling & Ting: Not Exactly the Same!
by Grace Lin
Little, Brown
Nominated by: Jama Rattigan
Little Critter: Just a Little Sick (My First I Can Read)
by Mercer Mayer
Nominated by: Kristen
Little Lizard's First Day (Stone Arch Readers)
by Mindy Crow
Stone Arch Books
Nominated by: Cara McCann
Mac and Cheese (I Can Read Book 1)
by Sarah Weeks
Nominated by: Janelle
National Geographic Readers: Ants
by Melissa Stewart
National Geographic Children's Books
Nominated by: Jeff Barger
National Geographic Readers: Bats
by Elizabeth Carney
National Geographic Children's Books
Nominated by: Tracey Daniels
National Geographic Readers: Great Migrations Elephants
by Laura Marsh
National Geographic Children's Books
Nominated by: Anna Kukelhaus
No Valentines for Katie (Katie Woo)
by Fran Manushkin
Picture Window Books
Nominated by: Liz Rouse
Pinkalicious: Pink around the Rink (I Can Read Book 1)
by Victoria Kann
Nominated by: Christie Ibarra
Porky and Bess (Step into Reading)
by Ellen Weiss
Random House Children's Books
Nominated by: Melissa
Sid the Science Kid: What's that Smell? (I Can Read Book 1)
by Jennifer Frantz
Nominated by: Terry Doherty
The Babysitters (Cork and Fuzz)
by Dori Chaconas
Nominated by: Stacy DeKeyser
We Are in a Book! (An Elephant and Piggie Book)
by Mo Willems
Nominated by: Eric Carpenter
Zig and Wikki: Something Ate My Homework (Zig & Wikki)
by Nadja Spiegelman
Toon Books
Nominated by: Mary Ann Scheuer
The following nominated books are ineligible:
Chicken Said,
by Judyann Ackerman Grant
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: 2008 copyright
Nominated by: Jennifer Russell
My Purple Toes
by Blair Hahn
Publisher not defined
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: board book
Nominated by: Rebecca Tuohy
Early Chapter Books
Anna Hibiscus
by Atinuke
Kane/Miller Book Pub
Nominated by: Anamaria Anderson
Anna Maria's Gift (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))
by Janice Shefelman
Random House Children's Books
Nominated by: Sherry Early
Ben's Birthdays
by Elizabeth Hawkins
Transworld Publishers
Nominated by: Chimaechi Ochei
Bink and Gollie (Junior Library Guild Selection (Candlewick Press))
by Kate DiCamillo
Candlewick Press
Nominated by: Natasha Maw
Calendar Mysteries #4: April Adventure (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))
by Ron Roy
Random House Children's Books
Nominated by: Kristen
Danny in a Newfangled World
by D M Bileski
Cumulus Press
Nominated by: Danielle Leonard
Don't Break the Balance Beam! (Sports Illustrated Kids: Victory School Superstars)
by Jessica Sarah Gunderson
Stone Arch Books
Nominated by: Jennifer Glidden
Dragonbreath: Attack of the Ninja Frogs
by Ursula Vernon
Nominated by: Debbie Nance
Extraordinary Ernie and Marvelous Maud (Ernie and Maud)
by Frances Watts
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
Nominated by: Lara Sissell
Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #5: The Amazing Mexican Secret
by Jeff Brown
Nominated by: Terry Doherty
Frankie Pickle and the Pine Run 3000
by Eric Wight
Simon & Schuster
Nominated by: Liz Jones
Home on the Range (Down Girl and Sit)
by Lucy Nolan
Marshall Cavendish Childrens Books
Nominated by: Jennifer Wharton
Ivy and Bean What's the Big Idea? (Book 7)
by Annie Barrows
Chronicle Books
Nominated by: Amy Baskin
Keena Ford and the Secret Journal Mix-Up
by Melissa Thomson
Nominated by: Doret
Layla, Queen of Hearts
by Glenda Millard
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Nominated by: Jess Pugh
Mokie and Bik Go to Sea
by Wendy Orr
Henry Holt
Nominated by: Debbie Nance
Number One Kid (Zigzag Kids)
by Patricia Reilly Giff
Wendy Lamb Books
Nominated by: Cynthia Leitich Smith
Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade: Book 1
by Stephanie Greene
Nominated by: Dianne White
Snake Surprise!
by JE Fison
Hybrid Publishers
Nominated by: Jelindel Dekanis
The Boy Who Climbed into the Moon
by David Almond
Candlewick Press
Nominated by: Debbie Nance
The Buddy Files: The Case of the Lost Boy (Book 1)
by Dori Hillestad Butler
Albert Whitman & Company
Nominated by: Michelle Bayuk
The Case of the July 4th Jinx (Milo and Jazz Mysteries)
by Lewis B. Montgomery
Kane Press
Nominated by: Juliana Hanford
The Case of the Rock 'n' Roll Dog (First Kids Mystery)
by Martha Freeman
Holiday House
Nominated by: Terry Borzumato-Greenberg
The Dragon's Teeth (Greek Beasts and Heroes)
by Lucy Coats
Orion Childrens Books
Nominated by: Gillian Philip
The Great Puffle Switch (Disney Club Penguin)
by Tracey West
Grosset & Dunlap
Nominated by: Jennifer Donovan
The Littlest Wrangler
by J. R. Sanders
Moonlight Mesa Associates
Nominated by: John Sanders
The Middle Sheep (Extraordinary Ernie and Marvelous Maud)
by Frances Watts
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
Nominated by: Debbie Head
Throwing Heat (Fred Bowen Sports Stories)
by Fred Bowen
Nominated by: Danielle Smith (The1stdaughter)
Wolf Pie
by Brenda Seabrooke
Clarion Books
Nominated by: Paul Jannicola
Word After Word After Word
by Patricia Maclachlan
Katherine Tegen Books
Nominated by: Mary Ann Scheuer
Zapato Power: Freddie Ramos Springs into Action (Book 2)
by Jacqueline Jules
Albert Whitman & Company
Nominated by: Moira Rose Donohue
Zapato Power: Freddie Ramos Takes Off
by Jacqueline Jules
Albert Whitman & Company
Nominated by: Eric Carpenter
The following nominated books are ineligible:
A Simpler Time
by Laura W. Eckroat
Publisher not defined
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: Only 24 pages long
Nominated by: Aileen Stewart
Alby and the Cat: Showbusiness
by Leanne Davidson
LJD Books
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: 2008 copyright
Nominated by: Julie
Anna Hibiscus
by Atinuke
Publisher not defined
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: another printing already nominated
Nominated by: Elizabeth Bird
Secret Service Saint
by Janet Ann Collins
Guardian Angel Publishing
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: October 11, 2009 publication date
Nominated by: Nancy Carty Lepri
The Buddy Files: The Case of the Lost Boy (Book 1)
by Dori Hillestad Butler
Publisher not defined
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: hardcover version already nominated
Nominated by: Laura Purdie Salas
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
by Lori Ries
Nominated by: Debbie Nance
by Ethan Long
Blue Apple Books
Nominated by: Tracey Daniels
by Geoffrey Hayes
Toon Books
Nominated by: Jennifer Wharton
by Mo Willems
Nominated by: Melissa
by Erica Silverman
Nominated by: Madigan McGillicuddy
by Gwendolyn Hooks
Stone Arch Books
Nominated by: Kelly Starling Lyons
by Tedd Arnold
Cartwheel Books
Nominated by: Mary McKenna Siddals
by David Catrow
Orchard Books
Nominated by: Kara Dean
by Diane Degroat
Nominated by: Jennifer Donovan
by Mo Willems
Nominated by: Becky
by Kaye Umansky
Nominated by: Marina Cambareri
by Samantha Hay
Nominated by: Summer Ogata
by Grace Lin
Little, Brown
Nominated by: Jama Rattigan
by Mercer Mayer
Nominated by: Kristen
by Mindy Crow
Stone Arch Books
Nominated by: Cara McCann
by Sarah Weeks
Nominated by: Janelle
by Melissa Stewart
National Geographic Children's Books
Nominated by: Jeff Barger
by Elizabeth Carney
National Geographic Children's Books
Nominated by: Tracey Daniels
by Laura Marsh
National Geographic Children's Books
Nominated by: Anna Kukelhaus
by Fran Manushkin
Picture Window Books
Nominated by: Liz Rouse
by Victoria Kann
Nominated by: Christie Ibarra
by Ellen Weiss
Random House Children's Books
Nominated by: Melissa
by Jennifer Frantz
Nominated by: Terry Doherty
by Dori Chaconas
Nominated by: Stacy DeKeyser
by Mo Willems
Nominated by: Eric Carpenter
by Nadja Spiegelman
Toon Books
Nominated by: Mary Ann Scheuer
The following nominated books are ineligible:
by Judyann Ackerman Grant
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: 2008 copyright
Nominated by: Jennifer Russell
by Blair Hahn
Publisher not defined
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: board book
Nominated by: Rebecca Tuohy
Early Chapter Books
by Atinuke
Kane/Miller Book Pub
Nominated by: Anamaria Anderson
by Janice Shefelman
Random House Children's Books
Nominated by: Sherry Early
by Elizabeth Hawkins
Transworld Publishers
Nominated by: Chimaechi Ochei
by Kate DiCamillo
Candlewick Press
Nominated by: Natasha Maw
by Ron Roy
Random House Children's Books
Nominated by: Kristen
by D M Bileski
Cumulus Press
Nominated by: Danielle Leonard
by Jessica Sarah Gunderson
Stone Arch Books
Nominated by: Jennifer Glidden
by Ursula Vernon
Nominated by: Debbie Nance
by Frances Watts
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
Nominated by: Lara Sissell
by Jeff Brown
Nominated by: Terry Doherty
by Eric Wight
Simon & Schuster
Nominated by: Liz Jones
by Lucy Nolan
Marshall Cavendish Childrens Books
Nominated by: Jennifer Wharton
by Annie Barrows
Chronicle Books
Nominated by: Amy Baskin
by Melissa Thomson
Nominated by: Doret
by Glenda Millard
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Nominated by: Jess Pugh
by Wendy Orr
Henry Holt
Nominated by: Debbie Nance
by Patricia Reilly Giff
Wendy Lamb Books
Nominated by: Cynthia Leitich Smith
by Stephanie Greene
Nominated by: Dianne White
by JE Fison
Hybrid Publishers
Nominated by: Jelindel Dekanis
by David Almond
Candlewick Press
Nominated by: Debbie Nance
by Dori Hillestad Butler
Albert Whitman & Company
Nominated by: Michelle Bayuk
by Lewis B. Montgomery
Kane Press
Nominated by: Juliana Hanford
by Martha Freeman
Holiday House
Nominated by: Terry Borzumato-Greenberg
by Lucy Coats
Orion Childrens Books
Nominated by: Gillian Philip
by Tracey West
Grosset & Dunlap
Nominated by: Jennifer Donovan
by J. R. Sanders
Moonlight Mesa Associates
Nominated by: John Sanders
by Frances Watts
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
Nominated by: Debbie Head
by Fred Bowen
Nominated by: Danielle Smith (The1stdaughter)
by Brenda Seabrooke
Clarion Books
Nominated by: Paul Jannicola
by Patricia Maclachlan
Katherine Tegen Books
Nominated by: Mary Ann Scheuer
by Jacqueline Jules
Albert Whitman & Company
Nominated by: Moira Rose Donohue
by Jacqueline Jules
Albert Whitman & Company
Nominated by: Eric Carpenter
The following nominated books are ineligible:
by Laura W. Eckroat
Publisher not defined
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: Only 24 pages long
Nominated by: Aileen Stewart
by Leanne Davidson
LJD Books
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: 2008 copyright
Nominated by: Julie
by Atinuke
Publisher not defined
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: another printing already nominated
Nominated by: Elizabeth Bird
by Janet Ann Collins
Guardian Angel Publishing
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: October 11, 2009 publication date
Nominated by: Nancy Carty Lepri
by Dori Hillestad Butler
Publisher not defined
Status: Not Eligible
Reason ineligible: hardcover version already nominated
Nominated by: Laura Purdie Salas
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
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