Friday, October 1, 2010

The Way of the Ninja

Ninja Cowboy Bear Presents The Way of the Ninja. David Bruins. Illustrated by Hilary Leung. 2010. September 2010. Kids Can Press. 32 pages.

The ninja loved to spend time with his friends the cowboy and the bear.
When they got together it usually led to merrymaking, buffoonery and hilarity.
But not always. Sometimes they did not agree on what was fun. The ninja had his own way of having fun. It often included thrills and adventure.

I really enjoyed The Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear. So I was happy to see that there was a second book. Once again, an important lesson is shared about friendship. Ninja, one of the three friends, is selfish. He wants to do what he wants to do. And he isn't the best at listening to his friends. At being sympathetic and understanding. Because he wants to jump on the bed, the cowboy ends up seeing stars. Because he wants to climb trees, Bear ends up being chased by bees. Will Ninja learn how to be a better friend? Will Bear and Cowboy forgive their friend for being so insensitive and rude?

I liked this one.

© Becky Laney of Young Readers

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