Please make a note to come back ever-so-often to check back in and update everyone on your progress.
I plan to (I will make a note in google calendars as soon as I hit publish) POST a challenge progress entry on the Young Readers blog the FIFTEENTH of every month (Jan-December). If it is after the fifteenth, and you don't see a post up for you to leave a comment/link. Please email me a gentle reminder. Give me 24 hours for the 'gentle' reminder to work. And then if that still doesn't get me going, then email me again!
Read 12 children's books in 2009.
'Children's books' are defined as anything written to be read (or read aloud) to children 12 and under.
Examples of children's books are: board books, picture books, early readers, chapter books.
No list is required. If you choose to post one, you can change it as needed. But it isn't required at all.
Audio books work.
Rereads are acceptable, but try to mix it up old and new if you can.
Overlaps with other challenges are acceptable.
You may consider yourself 'finished' with the challenge if/when you complete the twelfth book. (You could finish it January if you're ambitious. But there is no requirement to read one book per month all year long.) If you want to keep going past twelve books, that's fine. I won't stop you!
If you want to challenge yourself further you might consider going with a theme:
*Read twelve picture books published in 2009
*Read twelve children's fantasy titles published since 2000
*Read twelve children's books that have been made into a movie
*Read three books on shapes, three books on numbers/counting, three books on the alphabet, three books on colors.
You get the idea. You can make it as simple or complex as you like!
Book PSmith
N. Vasillis
Maw Books
J. Kaye
Bent Bindings
Shel Burns
Kisha's World
Pam's Postings
Wandeca Reads
Ms. Bookish
© Becky Laney of Young Readers
Yeah - have to sign up for this - I read to my 4 year old all the time!
Yeah! I have been waiting for a challenge for children's books. Thank you, thank you for hosting. Please sign me up. Here is my link:
This one looks fun. I babysit year and a half old grandson so I might count the ones I read to him. Thanks
I'm in!! I actually have a goal this year to read (or begin reading) all winners of the Caldecott!! What perfect timing for me to see this challenge! Thanks for hosting!!
I'm going to sign up for this!! I can use this as a way to read more to my son!! Thanks Becky!!
I'm in! Thanks for hosting this!
Snugglebug and Ladybug are signing up. You know we love to read!!
Okay, I have to sign up for this one - I'm a nanny and I read to J. everyday at naptime, so I will count new books we read, but no rereads (and that's a lot!).
I'm going to join this challenge! I think I'll make it fun and go with all ABC books, which will help me achieve one of my goals to help my little guy with his letters.
I'm in. I blogged about it here: http://j-kaye-book-blog.blogspot.com/2009/01/new-challenge-young-readers-challenge.html
I'm in. I failed miserably last year but that's because I set up 12 books that were not overlapping any other challenges and it was just too much. This time I'll fill in my list as I read. My post is here: http://smsbookchallenges.wordpress.com/current-challenges/young-readers-2009/ which is my new blog to keep track of challenges. My reviews will go on my main blog at http://smsbookreviews.blogspot.com
Please enter me in this challenge. As my 5 year old is getting better at listening to chapter books, things become much more interesting. Here's my link: http://www.bentbindings.com/challenges/
Becky, I will definitely be joining you on this one as my first love is children's books. Thanks for hosting!
Count me in Becky! I had fun with this challenge last year. Here is my post:
I'm in! Here's my post, but I'll review on my regular blog. Thanks for hosting, Becky!
I'm in. Now, if I can just get my toddler to sit still for it. lol
Count me in. I'm always picking up new books for my daughter. I'll be linking my reviews off of here: http://debbiesworld.wordpress.com/2009/01/04/young-readers-challenge-2009/. I'm going to be writing my first one right now.
sounds like fun to me...
http://booksbooksth emagicalfruit. blogspot. com/
In the process of redoing my blog
Sounds like fun! Count me in! I'm sure my daughter and I will have blast reading books together!
We haven't decided on a yet, but we know we'll be starting with The Tale of Despereaux.
Click here.
I added a new book here: http://debbiesworld.wordpress.com/2009/01/05/polar-bear-polar-bear-by-eric-carle/.
Count me in, I lvoe Nancy Drew's. Don't have a blog, but can post here Lindy/CT
I added a short review of Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton. http://debbiesworld.wordpress.com/2009/01/08/barnyard-dance-by-sandra-boynton/
This sounds like a great challenge. Please count me in! Here is the link to my post where I will be tracking my progress.
How could I have missed this one? Thanks for the recent reminder. I just finished reading Little Leap Forward. I posted a review here: http://readingtub.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/review-little-leap-forward-a-boy-in-beijing/
My youngest may be 19 but I still love children's books so count me in!
I don't have a post up yet but there will be a link to it in my sidebar. I'm at BookDragon's Lair
bookdragon now has a post up for the challenge so I'm official!
I've read six so far but only one review, And Tango Makes Three
The Different Dragon
Well I finished and since I have plenty of time I posted to my challenge file to read all the other variations also.
Here's the link to the first part.
There's NO Such Thing as a Dragon
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