Wednesday, March 9, 2022

38. Even Robots Aren't Perfect

Even Robots Aren't Perfect. Jan Thomas. 2022. 64 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: I sure do like to paint with you, Red Robot!

Premise/plot: Even Robots Aren't Perfect is a new early reader by Jan Thomas. There are three stories: "Magnificent Paintings," "Nobody Likes to Rust," "The Perfect Plan." Each story celebrates friendship all the while acknowledging that "even robots aren't perfect." In "Magnificent Paintings" Red and Blue Robot unintentionally hurt each other's feelings while complimenting each other's artwork. In "Nobody Likes to Rust," a present has unintentional side effects! In "The Perfect Plan," well, things don't go exactly according to plan.

My thoughts: I really love Jan Thomas. I do. I really LOVED the first two stories. I found both stories relatable AND funny. Especially the first story, "Magnificent Paintings." Some days are just like that! You find yourself in a situation where the more you say--no matter your intentions OR your phrasing--the other person keeps getting more upset and accusatory. This story explores how feelings are hurt and stresses the importance of reconciliation. "Nobody Likes to Rust" was perhaps a little less relatable, but, I found it funny. While it is the thought that counts when giving a gift, a little common sense can go a long way!
The third story I just found weird.

I definitely would recommend to fans of Jan Thomas.


© 2022 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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