This challenge is for those interested in reading more children's literature. (From board books, novelty books like bath, shape, or pop-up, picture books, early readers, chapter books, etc.) Think of this as referring to the "E" (Easy) and "J" (Juvenile or Junior) sections of the library. The challenge will go from January to December 2008. Any books written for the 12 and under crowd. (Interested in reading books for the 13+ crowd? Then join the Young Adult challenge.)
Choose 12 or more books for the challenge. You can choose with a theme--Calecott winners and honor books OR perhaps Coretta Scott King Award winners and honor books. Or not. You could choose a handful of authors to focus on--Laura Ingalls Wilder, A.A. Milne, C.S. Lewis, E.B. White, etc. And read a few books by each. Or you could read twelve books by the same author--like all Beverly Cleary or all Judy Blume or all Barbara Parks. You might want to read twelve books about horses or ponies. Or you might want to read twelve books in a series. Or twelve fairy-tale related books. You could even get elaborate and read 26 books A-to-Z. A theme is NOT required. A list is not required. Choose what you like. Choose as you go. Or plan it all out now. Whatever you want.
This would be a great challenge to join with your kids. You can read aloud to them. Or for older children, you can read a book together and take turns.
To sign up for the challenge leave a comment and/or join Mr. Linky. Link to your main site where you'll be posting reviews OR post a link to a specific post where you're mentioning the fact that you're joining the challenge. You don't have to list your books yet if you don't know. Your post can simply say...I'm joining this challenge...I'll come up with my list later. But I would appreciate it if when you do create your list you'll update that post. Or come back and leave another comment with a specific link.
Ok I know I did not specifically post about doing this challenge, but I think I would like to read Robert Munsch for this challenge.
I read his books to my 5 year old every night before bed.
I have signed up and will read Robert Munsch and Encyclopedia Brown Books.
Great, Historia. I remember reading Encyclopedia Brown when I was young :) And Robert Munsch is someone whose books I discovered as an adult. I love Thomas' Snowsuit. He has so many great books :)
I'm joining but I'm not making a list. With two children ages 1 and 5 I am constantly reading and reviewing books that qualify for this challenge.
Welcome to the challenge, pussreboots. I'm not making a list either since these are the books I review on a regular basis. :) But this is one challenge where it's okay to be listless.
I have a six month old grandson - I am in this one as I have research to do.
have Winnie the Poo on my list - will add others as I think of them or pick them up :)
I would love to join, as a teacher I love finding new childrens books to read!
But this is one challenge where it's okay to be listless
Hey, I've been feeling listless lately! Oh, wait... :)
We'd love to join the Challenge. I have an 8 and a 6 year old currently reading in the school's AR program, so we will probably focus on those books. I will be happy to post reviews on my site. Thanks!
Thanks - this fits in really well with my challenge to read the Newbery award winners and the 888 challenge. I may intersperse them with others - I'll let you know! Your challenge is well and truly on my excel list - no escaping now!
I also realised I used Mr Linky and put Julie instead of Juliette - sorry. If you are able to join it please do so. I know there is another Julie in the book blog world so I have so far used my 'official' name Juliette.
I plan to read all the Pooh books and Milne's poetry, as well as the Milne biography, Enchanted Places by Christopher Milne, and any critical articles/books on this subject. Milne was the last "Arcadia" writer and I've always been interested in that tradition. (Actually, I'd like to be the last Arcadia writer myself!)
Hooray! Thanks, Becky for doing this. I'll think about it and put up the list on my sidebar very soon. I think what I'll do is read a mix of picture books and "J" books which I never read to my kids. Maybe six of each. I'm really excited to do this. YAs are too dismal (mostly) for me, but I do love the younger ones.
I just put up my list on the sidebar of my blog:
Hi, I'm joining! But I don't have a list of books. I'll choose books as I go along!
Okay I decided on my list of books. I decided to read all Judy Blume as I've only read one I think.
I'll be reading a ton of kid's books this year, mainly picture books. I posted a list of one's I definitely plan on reading.
hey Well i have decided to join this challenge and I am going to read all teen books for this one.
Thanks for hosting all these challenges! I'm so excited about participating in them...my list for this one is posted under the tab "Reading Challenges" in the top corner of my blog...
oops realised I hadn't put my link in, just poste a comment- is it still ok to join in?
Just discovered this challenge today, and hope I'm not too late to sign up. It sounds like great fun. Don't have my final list yet, but it's in the works. Thanks for hosting!
I have been thinking about joining a reading challenge and this one sparks my interest as I have a weakness for children's books.
So, if I can still join I am looking forward to this challenge. I don't have a list and probably will make one as I go, I will post as soon as I know.
Thanks for this opportunity!
Yes, there is still plenty of time to join up. No deadline or anything. And no list is needed unless you want to make one. I'll be posting updates along the way asking folks to leave links to their book reviews if they want to be included in the round-up. But even that is optional since a blog isn't a requirement at all. But I would encourage everyone--blog or not--to comment now and then when they finish a title for this challenge. That way others can get recommendations. :)
I found your challenge via Nan's blog and plan to join the fun. I'm a bookseller at B&N and this challenge will be a great aid for me to learn more about the young reader books so I can recommend them more confidently. I'm a fanatic when it comes to making lists, so I'll put one together tomorrow and get it posted for your perusal. Thanks!
Hey Becky! I decided to link up because all my Celebrate the Author books are children's books, so it's a dual challenge for me. Hope that's okay with you.
Yes, that's fine, Joy. I love finding challenges that overlap books myself. I never think of it as cheating.
I found this challenge through Joy's blog and like her, my books from Celebrate the Authors challenge are children's books. May I join in?
Becky, I set up a blog entry where I have my list, and the links to book reports.
Been wanting to renew my acquaintance with Nancy Drew.
This sounds fun! I read all the time with my daughter, so I should be able to fit in a ton throughout the year. I've also been itching to read Judy Blume again, so this will be an excellent chance!
I just finished the first book on my challenge -- "The Amber Cat" by Hilary McKay. The dust jacket states that it is suitable for ages 9 - 12. I would recommend it for the higher end of that group.
This was a well written story within a story. Both stories have merit and both could stand on their own but the way the author blends them is charming, interesting and held my interest so I am certain it would hold a child's interest.
The primary story is written in contemporary time and, as a mother, could identify with some of the antics of the children. The secondary story is a flashback some 25 yrs. prior. The characters are well defined but not overly so as to make them not seem real. The language is easy to read but not over simplified -- it is normal conversation.
My favorite character was Sun Dance. He is an old soul with great depth and acceptance. Nothing ruffles Sun Dance.
I won't give away the plot but I will say that I enjoyed reading the book and wish my kids were young again so that I could read it to them.
I recommend.
My first review for this challenge and the link above is to my new book blog.
Happy Reading!
Let's try a different link--sorry for the link failure in the above post:
Oh forget it! I re-signed Mr. Linky with my updated link--visit it to see my review of House at Pooh Corner!
I just finished my second book for this challenge. I chose "The Alamo Cat" by Rita Kerr. Visit my blog, http://boyet-brinkley.blogger.com for the review.
Next on my list, shamefully, the Gossie trilogy. I bought them for my grandson and have read them multiple times but they are always good for another go.
Sorry, the address is http://boyett-brinkley.blogspot.com. My bad!
I'm giving a way one of the books we read for this challenge over at http://mythousandloves.com/2008/01/22/snake-and-lizard/
For my third entry in the Young Reader's Challenge, I have read the Gossie Trilogy. Even though it is three individual books, I decided to review them as one. Check out my review on http://boyett-brinkley.blogspot.com
Becky, I'm sorry to say that I'm going to give up the Young Readers Challenge. I have my hands full reading wise, and must let something go. Thanks and maybe another time.
Love this challenge! I'm not going to post a list in advance, but I will keep updating as I read so I hope you'll check back in from time to time.
Just checking in. Though I'm not reading as fast as I'd like! Here's a link to my list with links to reviews. This is so much fun - thanks again for hosting!
Just finished my 7th book -- visit my site to read my review.
Finished my eighth book in the challenge. Read my review at http://boyett-brinkley.blogspot.com
I've finished the ninth book for the challenge. Read my review at http://boyett-brinkley.blogspot.com
Posted my 10th and 11th books for this challenge yesterday. You can find my review at http://boyett-brinkley.blogspot.com
I have completed the twelve book in this challenge. Read the review at http://boyett-brinkley.blogspot.com
I have now completed this challenge :)
You will see the link to my challenges blog in my profile and the complete list is under my completed 2008 tag
I have to come up with list yet but I usually read books so I will think of something. :-)
I posted my list of what I am going to read. http://confuzzledbooks.blogspot.com/2008/06/young-reader-challenge-list.html
I have finished up this challenge - as far as having read the 12 needed to complete it. However, I am going to continue to add more to my list. Here is my link to the 12+ that I have read and posted so far.... http://cafeofdreams.blogspot.com/search/label/Young%20Readers%20Challenge
Thanks for letting me join! :)
this is a great idea, I'd love to join, i'll post as I go along.
Hi Becky,
Finally, a challenge that I can join in!
I'd love doing this as I've read a few children's books and have many, many more to go with toddler :)
Will post up my list and reviews as and when I can also. Cheers!
Hi Becky - I've got my list up at Right Reads
already :)
I've got my 12 books up but hoping to change 1 or 2 if something fun pops up. Can't wait to see what other folks are reading!
Just a bit of an update. I've posted two more reviews:
Superfudge, by Judy Blume
The House with a Clock in Its Walls, by John Bellairs
I may not get all my books read by the end of the challenge, but I'm having a lot of fun trying!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm chugging right along with this challenge & have included more books than I originally thought I could handle. See my blog for reviews of books for the under 13 crowd.
Since I dont 'have a blog, and will be away at the end of the year, I am posign my finish early.
1 Keene, Carolyn The Secret of the Fiery Chamber
2. Cooper, Michael L> 1607 Jamestown
3 Keene, Carolyn Mystery of the Tolling Bell
4 Keene, Carolyn The secret of the Crumbling Wall
5. Russell, William The Florida Keys
6. Greene, Carol Johann Sebastian Bach
7. Saladin : noble Prince of Islam / by Diane Stanley.
8. Sutcliff, Rosemary The Light Beyond the forst
9 TTracy, Kathleen The Life and Times of Constantine
10. Larkin, Tanya Hernando de Soto
11. Huntsler, James Howard Aladin and the Magic Lamp
12. Stewart, Gail cuba
13. Collins, David R. The Country Artist
14. Vogt, Gregory Volcanoes
15. Heinrichs, Ann Georgia
16. St. George, Judith Betsy Ross
17. Harness, Cheryl The Remarkable Thomas Jeffereson
18. Twain, Mark The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
19. Harness, Cheryl The Remarkable Benjamin Franklin
20. Harness, Cheryl John Adams
21. Schlesinger, Jr. Arthur Grant
22. Ring of Truth Teresa Bateman
23. Arnold, Tim The Three Goats Gruff
24. The Mousehole AndreaBarbe
25. Barber, Antonia The Mousehole Cat
26. Poole Josephine Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
27. Perrault, Charles Cinderella
28. Howe, James The Celery Stalks at Midnight
29. Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane Day of the Dead
30. Stein, R. Conrad The Story of D Day
31. Grace, Catherine O'Neill 1621 Thanksgiving
32. Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane Day of the Dead
33. Stein, R. Conrad The Story of D Day
34. 2 3Grace, Catherine O'Neil 1621 Thanksgiving
35. Carbone, Elisa Blood on the Rive: James Town 1607
36. Hildick, W. W. The Cae of the Dragon in Distress
37. Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw Ponpei
38 Hooks, William The Legend of the White doe
39. cassedy, Sylvia Behind the Attick Wall
I completed the Young Readers Challenge. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks Becky for hosting it.
aka Jan in Edmonds
I have tons of children's books at my house. This will give me a golden opportunity to read some. I am excited.
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