Sunday, April 27, 2008

Come On, Mom! 75 Things For Mothers and Daughters to Do Together

MacGregor, Cynthia. 2008. Come On, Mom! 75 Things for Mothers and Daughters To Do Together.

Published by Lobster Press, Come On, Mom! is a fun little book, a reference book, full of quality activities--suggestions--on how mothers and daughters can spend some time bonding. Some activities require the child to be a bit older--able to read and/or write. Other activities would be suitable or adaptable for younger children to participate in. Some require prep time--items to collect, etc--others just require YOU. Not all activities are girly-girl. Meaning it would be perfectly fine to do many of these activities with a child of either gender. (Or with a parent of either gender as far as that goes.) Some are craft-based. Others are all about communication. Using words, creating stories, etc. In other words, focusing on language-arts type skills. Some are more physical; others more imaginative and creative. Regardless, I think there is something for everyone here.

I especially like #58 which is to have a family book club. #63 is fun as well--Comparison Reviewers. Pairing movies up with their book counterparts.

1 comment:

Stasia D said...

This looks really cute! I need to check it out.