Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Itty Bitty

Bell, Cece. 2009. Itty Bitty. Candlewick Press.

Do you like itty bitty things? How about itty bitty animals? If you do, then you'll appreciate Cece Bell's Itty Bitty, a picture book about a tiny dog named Itty Bitty.

"Itty Bitty is a dog. A very, very tiny dog. One day, Itty Bitty found a bone. A very, very enormous bone. This bone is big enough to be my home, thought Itty Bitty."
The book is a simple one. Nothing grand. Just a simple story of a dog who's trying to make his house a home. What does his home need? Itty bitty, teeny-tiny furniture of course! Readers will journey with Itty Bitty as he goes shopping and decorates his home. It's a bit silly, but I think that a nice dose of silly is always a good thing.

© Becky Laney of Young Readers

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