Thursday, April 8, 2021

41. DJ Funkyfoot: Give Cheese a Chance

DJ Funkyfoot: Give Cheese a Chance. (DJ Funkyfoot #2) Tom Angleberger. Illustrated by Heather Fox. 2021. [September] 112 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: My phone rang. “Greetings,” I said. “I am DJ Funkyfoot, and I am at YOUR service.” “Oh, I’m sorry, sir,” said a polite voice. “I was trying to reach MC Funkyfoot.”

Premise/plot: DJ Funkyfoot is back for a second adventure. (You can read my review of his first adventure: DJ Funkyfoot Butler for Hire. Long story short, I adored it.) Our delightful hero is still looking for work as a butler! His short time as a nanny didn't convince him to change career paths! (Far from it!) 

In this second adventure, he finds work as a butler. But he isn't just going to be ANY butler. He's been hired on--for a day--to be the BUTLER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, President HORSE.

President Horse absolutely needs to stay focused on the task at hand--signing a peace treaty--but, well, he has other plans for the day. Plans that include mini-golf! Can DJ Funkyfoot find a way to save the day AND be a good butler?!

My thoughts: I really loved, loved, loved the first book. I think I still prefer the first book to the second. I mean the first book was just AWESOME and hilarious. The second book is good fun, perhaps even great fun. But it's definitely different. While I think the first book may have children's giggles in mind, this second book may be more geared towards adults giggling.

The President of the United States is neither a donkey nor an elephant. He's a HORSE. And, well, he's not a very effective president. In the course of one day, President Horse has a couple of tantrums!


There was an iguana selling hats that said PRESIDENT HORSE IS GREAT! She had no customers.
Next to her was a komodo dragon selling hats that said PRESIDENT HORSE IS NOT GREAT.” He had a lot of customers. 
“Ever since he declared war on Wingland, everyone is mad at him. Especially people from Wingland.” “Are you going to go out of business?” “No, I’m just going to write ‘NOT’ on these hats with a Magic Marker,” the iguana said.
“I’m the President of the United States,” he said, “and I do what I want. And you are my butler, so you do what I want, too! Right?” “Yes, sir, Mr. President,” I said, clinging to his mane as he charged through the red light, right between two speeding Cousin Yuk Yuk’s Pickle Relish trucks.

© 2021 Becky Laney of Young Readers

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